{~} It's Always Better When We Are Together {~}

Start from the beginning

Now usually this is where the red headed mage named Erza would come in and stop the two from fighting. She never came. That was because Master Makarov gave the victors who were on the winning team some of the prize money. He kept most of it for himself though. The poor requip wizard had spent all the money on her celebratory  strawberry cakes and ended up with a bad stomach ache from to much sweets and was now on bed rest.

Lucy rolled her eyes, blush still on her cheeks. She walked back over to the bar and sat on the stool upon Natsu's request. Mira giggles at her state. 'He sure knew how to make her take her mind off things'. Lucy noticed how she was acting and asked "What is it, Mira?"

"Oh nothing, it's just I don't understand why you and Natsu don't date already. You two are perfect for each other." My face begins to burn as I burry it in my hands. Mira always had this habit of matching people up, 'shiping' as she liked to call it. The funny thing was that she was never wrong. Neither was she in this case. Lucy did love Natsu, but the thought of loosing him as a friend scared her, so she put her feelings aside. For Natsu's sake.

She finally felt my face cool down and take it out of my hands only to find Mira had turned away from me and was now cleaning my glass that I drank the milkshake from earlier. The blonde sighed once more. 'Why did she always have to say things like that so casually!'

I look around the guild hall when all of a sudden I hear something that I thought could never happen.

The guild was silent.

Master Makarov was standing one the wooden table that Cana, Macao, and Wakaba were sitting at. He walked to the edge of the table, kicking the beer bottle next to his foot and spilling it on the floor making Cana wince. That's when I notice he had the most stern look I have ever seen on his face. Ever. 

"Listen up!"

Makarov was a short elderly man with a booming voice. He wore a fancy blue shirt and some black trousers with heavy brown boots. Over that he wore a pure white fur coat with a blue and silver pin.  Just like his coat his hair was pure white and the top of his head was completely bald with his mastache the same color as his hair.

"What's with the long face Gramps?" Gray asks. The Master turned his head around the guild, looking at all the faces he cared for so much. He would die for each and everyone of them and did everything he could to keep the safe. 

What he was about to do was no different.

"Although I am happy for our victory I'm afraid I have some bad news" he said. His tone was flat but you could see the pain in his face. "Today, I'm afraid one of you will be kicked out of the guild." Everyone's face held mixture of emotions. Thoughts raced through Lucy's head. She couldn't loose her family. 'Why would the Master do this..' she thought.

A bang was heard throughout the guild as everyone looked to see Natsu slammed his hand on a table, snapping it in half. "Why Gramps?" His voice was full of hurt and anger as his bangs covered his eyes. "Why would you do this? No one did anything wrong!" He shouts. A little girl with a green and blue patterned dress walked up to Natsu and put her hand on his shoulder, she had dark blue pigtails and dark coco colored eyes. 

"It's alright Natsu, I-i'm sure Master h-has a g-good reason." Wendy would stutter as she tried to hold back the tears that gatherd in the corner of her eyes. When she had come to Fairy Tail for the first time she felt so lucky to have a family like them. They were perfect to her. The thought of loosing any of them made her want to brake, she already lost one family and she never wanted to loose anyone in her family ever again.

"No it's not, Wendy."

Natsu still refused to show his face instead he demanded an explanation. Lucy was shocked by him, never had she heard him speak to the Master like that.

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