(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible

Start from the beginning

Marley and Aiden's competition to achieve the highest average overall meant that they were both more than prepared and didn't have to literally blackout afterwards to forget their failure.

It was probably the most strained their relationship had ever been, given all they did until exam day was give each-other the stink eye, attempt stealth operations to steal each other's study notes, try to use their friends as sources and when asked why they refused to touch each other, their answer was that it would be fraternizing with the enemy.

At the end of it all though, their averages were identical — ninety nine percent. After both shoving each other to make it to Mrs. Weiss' desk first, she then explained that it was the highest mark possible, they both scored a hundred percent on the exam, and should be proud of themselves for setting the curve.

It was then they stared at each other, realized all of it was pointless because a tie might as well be a loss, and Aiden took her back to his room. They had some serious making up for lost time to do.

And that afternoon was the longest nap either of them have ever had.

Aiden disappeared from Marley's side at Leo's coaxing to join in on a volleyball game, leaving her with Ethan and Gabby at the blankets.

Her best friend and Ethan are genuinely happy together. Their conversations are easy, he treats her right and the way he looks at her says it all. He's hoping for Yale next year, which means that the two of them will be able to take that step together.

They were snuggled into each other, debating the end of the universe theories while watching the stars. There were multiple theories, and all would happen in many billions of years, but both were determined to be right about which theory they believed, regardless. Marley did join in with her own opinion as well, but had no problems being the third wheel, always supportive of her best friend the same way Gabby was for her.

Marley leaned back on her elbows, eyes finding her boyfriend subconsciously. The guys' cabin and Bree were warming up for this huge, roughhousing game of volleyball. It was hilarious to watch them all go easy on Jason's girlfriend, who in turn cursed them out and held her own while Jason grinned proudly and cheered her on.

Everything felt safer, easier, now that there was no anonymous Instagram profile digging up dirt on her life. Marley could live in the moment in public places like this, no longer feeling as though she should always be looking over her shoulder.

The councillors part of the Instagram account took early leave from Camp Where The Hell Are We. Marley wasn't involved in telling the principal the truth, not wanting to be. Her friends took that on for her so she wouldn't have to. As an extra precaution, Leo called Dalton and made sure he had a discussion with Jay, Conner and Jen to deactivate the account for good.

Jess and Larissa were two people involved in the account as well, that Marley wasn't sure how to address, though they did approach her stumbling over apologies a few days ago.

Marley wasn't expecting anything from Trish. She didn't respect the girl at all for faking bruises to crucify Jordan, but never did find out the truth on that matter. Elena said Jordan wasn't violent like that, but there was something sincere about Trish's words that morning after Jordan cornered Marley in the bathroom. About wanting to escape and needing a way out without being vulnerable.

Marley didn't have a hope of getting a real explanation regardless. On their last day of class was the only time Trish approached Marley to talk. It wasn't a long conversation and involved Aiden, Leo and Gabby standing behind Marley with the most intimidating of stances, but she did say she apologized for whatever it was worth before walking away while filing her nails.

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