Author Q&A Answers

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ok I'm getting carried away. point is this song is a masterpiece.

if god told me i had two minutes to live i'd listen to this fuckin' song.

Furthermore... I've always been the person that never fangirled over any artist. I just appreciated the songs I liked. I've never enjoyed every song from a person until him.

Jeremy Zucker could literally run me over with his tour bus and I'd apologize.

I can listen and love any song he writes. Lyrics on point. Voice of an angel I swear to god. Even at a young age I never had posters or wallpapers of singers, actors/actresses. Athletes. Youtubers. He's literally the only famous person I have ever been obsessed with.

My favourite genre is lyrics that give me goosebumps. Enough said.


Q: Favourite colour.

A: Blue. Definitely like Aiden's eyes.


Q: Have you ever heard of Thirdstory or Pretty Much? If not you really need to listen to their songs.

A: I haven't heard of those but I'll check them out :)


Q: Besides writing what do you like to do?

A: Besides writing I like photography - a simple, easy art of self-expression. I love reading obviously. Netflix. Nerd things.


Q: How did you first get introduced to Wattpad?

A: My older cousin had Wattpad and I downloaded it when I was thirteen. Suffice to say it was a real and unintentional eye-opener for my innocent young mind lmao.


Q: Do you play any video games?

A: I play GTA, Rainbow six, COD. I did play Fortnite when it was really popular because everyone I knew played it and I hate playing alone. In squads they carry me and give me guns and I get to win stuff. All in all a win-win-win.

Also, Mario Kart Wii. That shits iconic. Don't come for me unless you want your ass kicked to Texas in Coconut Mall, or to fall to your death a thousand times in Rainbow Road while I lap you repeatedly.


Q: Do you have an Aiden?

A: Nope. In my life the men I've met have actually been pretty shitty. That's how it goes until you meet the right person/people. I believe that everyone has a soulmate in some capacity - a relative, a best friend, etc - that is someone who understands you on a deeper level and who you will always stay close. Doesn't have to be a romantic soulmate. Still waiting on mine :)


Q: Do you have a best friend?

A: I'm an introverted person whose been hurt a lot. Betrayed. So I keep most people at arms length. I have close friends that I'm so grateful for but nobody can ever get beyond my bubble haha.

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