"What convinced him that he could escape was a new roommate when he was finally allowed to leave solitary a year and a half ago. Whatever new medication he was on temporarily helped him feel normal again. Jacobi and his roommate both had families. Instead of losing to the system and fading away, they wanted to leave something behind. They wrote letters. Quotes. Notes. Journals. The man he was with had two young daughters, so he wanted to be a father as best as he could in case their plan didn't work and they couldn't make it out. Jacobi was inspired by this, to do the same for you."

"It was a long process. They spent the year searching for ways to leave. They made attempts that failed which meant they were separated and adjusted until it was months before they were coherent enough to make a plan. They had a nurse on the inside who wanted to help, but it was still almost impossible to accomplish."

"Jacobi wrote that he made it out after their nurse friend left doors unlocked of their riskiest, most violent patients. Once those patients were causing chaos, he and his roommate were able to flee. Their nurse provided cash she saved over the years, and their stolen passports. After their flight, they separated to find their own families. Jacobi broke into your house and found a field trip form for this camp, and that's how he's here."

Marley took a deep breath, wiping at the tears beneath her cheeks. "He-he was...he was going through that all this time. He has been trying to make it home all along. He talked about a truth about our father, and our mother. About how he had this illness, and our father had been protecting me. Our mother took him for what she thought was the right reasons. I-I..."

"I know this is a lot to take in," Bryan told her softly. "But the good news is that he's here, and the FBI will be involved in this. They'll find a way to shut down this operation. Jacobi's treatment will be free and the medications he's addicted to, he brought with him to help us understand how to wean him off of them. How mentally competent he is because of the last seven years of adjustments, we don't know. But he's safe now and we're going to get him the help he needs."

Marley nodded her head. She allowed herself to feel it. Allowed the pain to hit her in her already aching places. This was closure, but not a closed wound. This would take a long time to feel less open. What happened to her brother, the loss of her mother, it would haunt her, maybe for the rest of her life. Some things never heal. Some things always need fixing.

Her eyes flickered up to Max. His were rimmed red as he burned in hell. The unspeakable horrors Jacobi suffered would ruin the both of them, but Marley knew one day their little family would be whole again. Jacobi would heal as well as he could - from his past, his mental illness - and she and Max would be there to hold onto him in his dark days.

Marley returned Bryan's hug, burying her nose into his shoulder. She squeezed him tightly. The man who raised her, who helped her through thick and thin. Her real Dad.

Her biological father had taken care of her in a few ways Marley wouldn't forget, but there was more ways he hadn't that she would move on from, but never forgive.

Her father broke after his wife and son left. He turned his grief into hate. Burned everything they owned, shied away from every memory he held with alcoholism and poker. He didn't know how to feel such pain, so he chose not to feel it at all.

Marley would never make the same mistakes.


He held her head, "Yeah?"

"I'd like to be your daughter. For real, if you'll have me."

He pulled away from their hug. Cupping her cheeks, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You are my daughter, Marley. But before you turn eighteen, let's make this official. Legal emancipation, and then adoption."

Marley sniffled, "I'd like that."

"Chris will be happy to help you re-decorate your room to make it your own. As long as you're okay with some abstract Marvel superheroes art."

"We'll make stencils," Marley whispered.

The door opened. The three of them watched Aiden enter the room with a plate of food in his hands. Behind him, Gabby.

Bryan lifted from the bed and approached Aiden, "I never thought I'd say this but..."

Aiden smiled, "Is this the approval?"

"You just ruined it." Bryan shook his head disapprovingly, but the smile was there nonetheless. And, when he gripped Aiden's shoulder in a gesture of companionship, it was clear Aiden hadn't ruined it at all. "Take care of my daughter."

"Always will."

Bryan was the first to leave the room, Max lingering before he followed suit. His hand was over the doorknob as he smiled at Marley. It wasn't a real one, but it was as good as it would get. For now.

Marley was surprised when it wasn't her he spoke to before he joined Bryan to ride with the transport for Jacobi home. His eyes fell on Aiden.

There was something between them that wasn't there before. What that was, Marley had no idea. She has been asleep for a while though, so maybe a conversation happened beyond her.

"It's not her I love." was all he said, before the door was shutting behind him.

Marley shot Aiden a confused look as he sat down on the edge of his bed. He just shook his head with a small smile, watching the doorway with thoughtful eyes before they were landing on her again. "That's Max's story to tell."

And Marley was more than okay with that.

"Move over, big guy," Gabby teased, shoving at Aiden's side so she could sit beside him and across from her best friend.

After Gabby settled in, she turned to face Marley. With one look she knew her best friend knew everything. "Bryan?"

Gabby nodded. Marley's eyes flickered to Aiden. He nodded too. Bryan knew that she wouldn't want to tell the story again but wanted those she loved to understand, so she was grateful that he had done it for her.

Aiden's hand fell over her own, and after, Gabby's smaller one. Marley inhaled a shaky breath as they held their grip, silently showing their support.


"I know," Gabby said, pulling her hand away. "But all I want to say is that I'm sorry, and I'm here for you when you're ready to talk. Whatever happens next with Jacobi, I want to do whatever I can to help every step of the way."

"Me, too. You're not alone," Aiden promised quietly, his blue eyes boring into hers with unwavering loyalty. "You're never going to be alone."

Marley was wordless, so all she did was nod her head. These two people in front of her make her feel as though everything will work out the way it's supposed to. That Jacobi being here is a positive thing. Something she should appreciate and feel blessed for given there was a high chance she would've never seen him again.

This is the start of a better life for the both of them. Marley would get to know her brother, and her brother would get to know peace. Learn that he should never be afraid of himself, but confident in leaning on the people he loves.

Marley would struggle with the truth and the grief it brought along with it, but Jacobi being here was a hope she had to hold onto for dear life.

Marley watched Aiden lift the foil off of a breakfast plate that was heaping, three forks in his hand that he passed around. When he took a big bite out a Belgian waffle coated with syrup and whipped cream, he was met with two sets of wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Your...your diet?" Marley questioned, unsure of what she was seeing.

He just shrugged, taking another bite.

"Life is short."


Saturday's update is a two part final chapter and that will conclude cabin fever 💔❤️

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