penelope chuckled at his incompetent state and skated to his side.

"if this was a proper second date in order to impress me you should've taken me somewhere you can actually do the activity," she teased grabbing his arm to help him stand straight.

"ha ha. i didn't think it'd be this hard," he frowned, "how are you so good anyway?"

"me and charlotte have been coming here for years," she giggled intertwining her fingers with his hand that he wasn't holding onto the side with.

he managed to balance himself out and start doing the most minimal skating steps ever. penelope skated backwards as she faced him pulling him a little quicker with her making him panic but soon settle and eventually join her in skating - still not too well - but nevertheless skating.

penelope tried to hide her laughs each time john would become a little too confident and nearly fall. john enjoyed seeing her so completely fulfilled in an environment that made no sense to him. like how she'd go to the club just to watch him even though she hated those scenes. you would've never caught john doing things like this on his own or with his friends but with her, the experience was something unforgettable.

they spent an hour or so on the ice before penelope started shivering from the temperatures still dropping and as much as she tried to hide it so they could stay out on the rink john wouldn't let her. she sulked off the rink like a child making john stifle a laugh.

"i'm fine we don't have to leave yet," she moaned as they sat on a bench to untie the laces on the skates.

john raised his eyebrows at her, "pen you'll catch hypothermia, and as cute as you look with your cheeks all rosy i'm not gonna let you get sick on our second date."

he saw a little smile almost escape as she put on the boots she had on before skating and he followed suit returning the skates to the front desk and grabbing her hand to take her outside where it was still freezing but it had - lucky for them - just started raining.

"if you'd of let me drive here we wouldn't be in this predicament right now," she joked light heartedly to him.

"i thought it'd be more romantic for us if we walked all down here like holding hands and being cute and shit but nothing works so easily for me," he said back obviously disheartened at the date not going to plan.

penelope took their intertwined hands and used them to pull him out into the rain gradually soaking both of them.

"yeah well don't try so hard johnny. you don't have to impress me, i already love you, remember."

he bit the inside of his cheek before moving a hand to her face pushing her wild hair back. her mascara had started to smudge a little under her eyes from the rain and it made john admire how adorable she looked in this situation.

"i love you too."

penelope grinned and tiptoed grabbing johns face and pulling his face into hers connecting their lips. john kissed back with the same amount of force making her stumble back a bit but he wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her still. her own hands stayed on his face until she became breathless and pulled away.

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