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"which one is it?" lottie whispered in her ear eagerly wanting to find out the mystery boy.

"the main one, in the middle, he's looking right at me lottie, what do i do?" as if on queue, the boys started to play, quite well actually. lottie snapped her head around to find him singing lead. his voice.

"wow", she replied as if reading penelope's mind, "he's a sort Pen," she giggled, "but the guitarist really has my attention, look at him, where did these boys come from?"

penny laughed at her friends remark.

"i bet they're all pricks anyway aren't they? there's no way lads that handsome aren't just looking to fuck about" she sighed.

having had an experience or two with boys like that, she nodded her head. wanting to rid the memories from her brain. wanting to focus on the music - which was fantastic.

eventually she lost herself within it all. her and lottie holding hand and throwing their arms in the air like they'd not a care in the world. the band performed like their lives depended on it, bobbing their heads and jumping around like maniacs. they covered a whole range of great songs, from Elvis to Buddy Holly. penelope and charlotte agreeing their favourite performance of there's being their own song called In Spite Of All The Danger. their talents were unbelievable. they were great, better than penelope would've ever expected.

"right that's it for today folks, thank you for being a bloody great audience and we'll see you this time next week" the smallest boy to the right of the stage spoke enthusiastically down his microphone. his fang like teeth escaped his mouth into a huge smile.

after about five minutes the crowd disappeared. fading down so now only a small percentage of people were left in the club. surprising really considering how many people were just singing and dancing along to the band. penelope looked confused at the scene unfolding around her.

"there's a party back at one of the band members apartments, that's why everyone's ran off" lottie informed penelope, again reading her mind, "the drummer, his name is peter or patrick or something, i overheard one of the girls next to me talking about it."

penny nodded her head slowly. disappointment swelling inside her. knowing that most likely the rest of the band will be there too, including him.

"we can come back next week hun, you'll speak to him again," lottie reassured penny.

penny laughed in response, "its fine lottie honestly i spoke to him once i only came to check out his band, and i have, so let's go and get some drinks."

the girls wondered over to the bar, frank watching their every move like the pervert he was, eyes raking them from head to toe. making even lottie feel uncomfortable.

"frank we'll have two gin and tonics and if you'd please stop looking at us like that it would be much appreciated," charlotte spoke whilst checking her nails.

franks eyes widened as he scurried off to make their drinks. penny laughed lightly at her friends bluntness.

they sat down on barstools to the far end of the bar, away from frank and any other kind of commotion. the band had seemed to disperse now, patrick or peter to Lotties knowledge had left just minutes before ordering drinks meaning that he was potentially somewhere round the club.

"frankie! lad wanna make us all a pint, three for specifics as our pete has gone to host an orgy," a loud voice boomed from the other side of the bar, lottie and penny's heads snapped up to search for the voices owner landing on the guitarist whom lottie fancied, and the boy with fangs stood by his side.

"you're lucky you even get served in here you cheeky git," frank replied half-joking,

"and you're lucky we don't report you for harassing poor underage girls you pervert," another voice spoke as penny and lottie watched the scene unravel, penelope's eyes widened as she realised who's voice it was.

when did he arrive?

he seemed to not of noticed them yet

"penny there he is! you need to talk to him!" lottie span round in her chair lightly hitting her in the arm. speaking louder than intended. penelope kept her eyes on her friend afraid if she looked back at him he would've heard.

"there is no way lottie! keep your voice down they'll hear you!" she whisper-shouted back, returning the hit in the arm.

"penelope-anne dawson! he was ogling you on stage you need to speak to him," penelope rolled her eyes at the clear exaggeration from her friend.

"charlotte ray, i swear to god if you don't keep your voice down i'm going to-" penelope's voice was suddenly cut off by a series of whispers coming from a bit further down the bar.

well, attempted whispers.

"that's her, bookshop girl?"

"in the yellow?"

"she came?"

"you're sure?"

"well are you going to say hello?"

"her friends fit too"

"bloody hell johnny boy, sure are punching mate"


"oh my goodness if no one else is going to address the gigantic elephant in the room, i will gladly. bookshop girl, come on."

before penelope even had a chance to respond charlotte had grabbed her hand and yanked her off the stool, headed towards the boys only a few seats down, all of which were already watching.

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