Aris, Princess of Yililia

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Dancing with Jackson was wonderful. I floated around the floor, my green eyes never leaving his silver ones. Music played, people laughed, everyone danced. Time seemed to have no meaning while I was dancing with Jackson.

“I’ve danced with a lot of lords, nobles, and dignitaries, but never have I danced with anyone quite so amazing.”

His smile shone brightly. “Thank-you Aris, but I will also say, I have danced with many ladies, noblewomen, and royal figures, but I’ve never danced with anyone quite like you.”

Shyly, I ducked my head as my cheeks grew warm. “Thanks. It means a lot.”

“So,” Jackson began, “tell me about yourself.”

“I love the ocean. Almost more than anything, I love the salty waves and cool breezes from the sea.”

“I’ve never seen the ocean, but I hope too. I’ve read all about the tides and the amazing animals found in their waters.”

“Back at the Yililian palace, in my chamber, there was a white washed window looking out over the ocean. I played my flute and the music would drift over the water in a haunting way. Probably more than anything, I’ll miss the sound of the ocean and the eerie melodies of my flute mixing together.”

“You play the flute?”

“Yes, yes I do.” The music shifted to a slower pace. “I’d love to show you some time.”

“I look forward to that very much. Please, tell me more.”

I bit my lip. Should I tell him about my passion for archery? No, not yet. Soon though, very soon. “I know I’m a princess and that I’ll be, you know, your wife and everything,” That was smooth… “but I’m not interested in ruling any country, anywhere. I don’t want to be tied down. I like my freedom, plus, I don’t think I have very good judgement.” He nodded thoughtfully, spinning me around. I searched for something else to say about myself. “I love purple lilacs and seashells and I want to go on great adventures. I want to see the whole world for myself!” Jackson grinned like a little boy. “But enough about me for now. Tell me about you. Who are you Jackson?”

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