Chapter 11: Boyfriend Number 2

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Chapter 11

“What are you even thinking!?”

“I’m thinking correctly! What about you?”

“That doesn’t even make sense!”

“It does! Work it out!”

“I’ve tried a million times!”

 “If you really tried a million times you would that I am right and you are wrong!”

“Look at the x!" 

“It’s squared! That’s how you get 27!” 

“Why isn’t it 45? Please explain to me all mighty math lord.”

“Any lower classmen could tell you that it’s 27! 3 times 3 times 3. This isn’t physics!”

            Jay was silent for a second. Sarah had offered up her Algebra 2 homework for the group to help with. Janice was arguing, and winning, with Jay about exponents. I guess the older you get, Janice thought to herself, the more you forget. But it was only two years!

“Jay, I think you just got served.” An olive—skinned girl named Dana laughed at Jay.

“Shut it, Dana” He snapped back.

“Want some ice for that burn?” Chase from Janice’s Shakespeare and Poetry class giggled.

“I don’t like any of you!” Jay yelled and sat down with his back facing the group and arms crossed over his chest. The group of people chuckled in the back garden.

            It was a small group, only about 5 other people besides Janice, Jeremy, Jay, and Sarah. Janice took challenge to remember everyone’s name, but it didn’t turn out well. They sat in the back garden, just outside of the main office. It was an adorable little green circle with little specks of colors. There was a big center stone where the teens, and missionaries, sat. Jeremy sat on top of the bench next to Dana and Janice had her body between his legs with her head rested on his thigh.

 “So how are you liking it here?” A scrawny boy asked Janice and Jeremy.

“It’s pretty good. Nothing too overwhelming.” Janice smiled nicely.

“She’s a theatre freak!” Sarah exclaimed excitedly. Janice gave her a look.

 “You’re a theatre freak too? I thought Jay and Sarah were too much.” A really buff guy said. He earned two slaps from the two. “Ow.” He grumbled as everyone laughed. The bell rang shrill around them and people started to file out of the building. Janice picked herself off the ground and from in between Jeremy’s legs.

“Bye guys!” Everyone called around the same time and slowly dispersed to their next classes. Jeremy took Janice’s bag on his shoulder.

“Ready?” He smiled down at her.

“Sure.” She smiled back before taking his hand and walking away. 


            “How was your first day at school?” Sidney asked patiently as Janice huddled into the store with a giant coat on her, really Jeremy’s since it was a lot warmer than her own.

“Give me a moment.” Janice requested as she dropped all her stuff behind the counter and curled up on the small chair in the corner of the room.

            After a short silence, Janice took off her coat and placed it on the coat rack. Finally used to the temperature of the room, Janice turned back to the counter. “It was fine.” She told Sidney. Sidney looked up from her magazine and eyed her out.

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