The Perfect Angel

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     The little girl screamed for her mother. An unknown man held the small 3 year old at her arms. The once beautiful lady was horrific. Her deep blue eyes were filled with pain and her hair was matted with blood. The mother lay beaten in front of her infant. Five other men stood around the woman. Janice was so young and couldn't understand why these people would do such a thing. "I love you Janice-" She had cut herself off with a terrible scream. The clatter of a steel knife hitting the ground pierced the now silenced room. Janice cried to herself. The man let her go and she crawled helplessly towards her mother's body. She wailed as her heart ached. The man stepped towards the pair. Janice screamed as the man's face flashed through her small mind. Her father stood tall and stiff. The other men had disappeared from her mind and all she saw was her mother's body and the once loved father. The small child blacked out.

     The father stared at his daughter on the floor. Her small face was filled with sadness even as she slept. He had done his job. Before anyone could blink, one of the other men grabbed the knife and plunged it into the little girl. The father roared at the man and dropped to his knees. His family drowned in a pool of deep red liquid. The father called out to God, but nothing happened. His teardrops mixed with the blood forming around his legs and his daughter's chest. 

    The gates of heaven opened to Janice. The little girl held onto a woman's hand. She did not know the woman, but she was not scared. "Janice, do you know where you are?" A faceless voice asked. Janice nodded as she recalled the stories her mother once told her. "You will fit in well here." The voice cooed. The women walked Janice into the light. Horns trumpeted and her spirit was filled with pure joy. Janice knew she would enjoy it here and she would never want to leave.

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