"Louis is tired as he has a urine infection and yes he did get his cast off" Liam said. "That's good, can we go to the shop to get Lou a present" niall asked "Come on then let's see what we can find." Liam said taking Nialls school bag and hand as they headed for the car Niall smiled and nodded and got in the car and was telling his papa about his day. "Had fun then?" Liam asked. "Yeah apart from maths which was really hard so I got bored." Niall said.

"I know you probably don't want to but shall we practice and find a game on that website to help" Liam suggested "But papa I'm fed up with maths. I can't do it and I never will be able too." Niall whined "You will practice makes perfect it just takes time" Liam said as he parked the car and they got out. "What were you Doing in maths?" Liam asked. "Dividing and I thought multiplying was hard." Niall whined as he grabbed onto Liam's hand and headed into the shop "Well we will practice at home no arguments" Liam said Niall huffed but nodded as they started looking for something for Louis.

Niall eyes suddenlyansed on something.

"Papa van we get Lou some hamma beads" niall asked.

"He really liked them when we did them with Jake." Niall added.

"I don't know ni there not exactly cheap." Liam said walking over and seeing the price

"Pretty please" niall pleded.

"Let's see what else there is" Liam said. Niall sighed but nodded knowing if they couldn't find anything else then Liam would buy the hamma beads. Liam found this cool art set where they would make stickers and you did play them on glass doors. "Niall what about this you make different pictures and do an outline and then colour in and thrn become stickers you display on the windows" Liam suggested "Hmm Lou will probably like that." Niall said nodding in agreement "And I'm sure you will to" Liam smiled. Niall smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it looks really good can I make some to put on my bedroom window?" Niall asked "Of course you both can and we want some downstairs to" Liam smiled as they paid for it. Niall nodded as Liam handed Niall the box and they walked off towards the car. They then got in the car and Liam drove home.

Louis stirred and whimpered as he went for a wee "You okay lou?" Harry asked softly but Louis just whimpered again. Harry then felt it. "Shhh it's ok let's take you to the Tory and then we have medicine" Harry said. Louis sniffled and reached for Harry who picked him up and the boy wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck.

Harry carried Louis to the bathroom. He took the boys trousers and nappy off and sat Louis down on the toilet. "Hurts Daddy." Louis whimpered. "I know sweetheart." Harry said softly while playing with Louis' hair.

When Louis was finished Harry grabbed a new nappy and cleaned him up and got him ready before washing their hands and going to give him his medicine just as Liam and niall walked in. "Hey baby boy you a bit more awake?" Liam asked taking his shoes off but Louis shook his head. "I was just about to give him some medicine." Harry said handing Louis to Liam as the boy was reaching for him.

Liam cuddled Lou is as Harry measured the medicine out and got the boy some juice to have. Louis took the medicine with no complaints Louis then snuggled into Liam.

"Louis look what papa and I got from the shops." Niall then said running into the living room keen to show his little brother the art set. "What is it" Louis asked.

"It's an art set and we draw a picture and decorate with special pens and thrn sets and becomes a sticker" niall says "Really?" Louis questioned however he still remained snuggled into Liam telling Liam that the boy was interested however he probably wasn't go to play with it there and then. "Yea it is" niall said.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن