(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook

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"Gabby," Marley began gently, resting a firm hand on her best friends' bouncing knee, "This is Gavin. The same guy who made a booger scrapbook-"

"According to colour, size, and nostril." Gabby laughed, turning to face Marley with newly relaxed shoulders. "It's too bad we ran out to the street with it on garbage day in our onesies at six am and tossed it into the compactor before he could stop us."

Marley giggled at the memory, "Because he threatened us with a booger grenade for months! We were pratically slaves to that monstrosity!"

Marley knew her mission to settle Gabby's nerves was sucessfully accomplished by the new light in the blonde's eyes, and the way her back straightened. It helped bring everything into perspective. Yes, there were many things they had to talk about but above all Gavin Collins was nothing to stress over.

"Dude who knew we'd be friends with such nerds?"

Marley kicked the back of Leo's seat while Gabby reached over to pinch his muscled bicep. Leo yelped, rubbing the sore spot while Aiden laughed.

"Dude, who knew we'd be friends with such asshole jocks?" Marley mocked.

"Who knew someone could have a negative IQ, dude?" Gabby added.

"Woah, woah," Leo paused for dramatic effect, turning his torso to face the girls, "Don't insult my best friend like that."

Aiden shoved Leo's shoulder with his free hand, rolling his eyes, "I'm the one with the ninety seven in Bio, dude. Do you really think she was referring to me?"

Marley grinned smugly, "Ninety eight."

Aiden narrowed his eyes through the rear-view mirror as he pulled into the airport parking lot, hunting for a spot, "Is that a challenge?"

Marley pushed her hair back behind her shoulder, "Of course not. Only poor sports challenge someone already knowing they're going to win."

"You're right." Aiden smoothy parked into a spot a decent distance from the airport. The parking lot was packed, "It would be unfair to challenge you."

Marley's mouth hung open. She crossed her arms over her jacket, "Oh you are so on."

"Not all of us can be the designated question divider on our projects and give the hardest questions to the other partner-"

"Bull. Shit!"

"I'm looking," he laughed as he cut the engine, "but the only place I see it is spewing out of your mouth, spitfire."

"Highest average by end reports wins," Marley challenged through her teeth.

Aiden has no idea who he's messing with.

Leo growled loudly, shoving open the passengers door, "I'm so smart. I'm so fucking smart. Oh, me too! Let's be smart assholes together!"

Gabby, Marley and Aiden left the car shortly after, Gabby shutting her door with a sigh, "It's called applying yourself, Leo. Do you think we have high averages because we hook up with girls, watch Netflix and hang with our buddies in all of our free time?"

"No. I think you two," Leo waggled his index finger between Marley and Gabby. Aiden had waited at the front of the car for Marley to approach, before tucking her into his side with an arm over her shoulders. "do weird nerd shit for fun because something fucked up in the part of your brains that tells you what's worth your time and Matthews is just not human."

"Or you're just an idiot."

"Or you're just a pussy."

"Or you're just a-mhm."

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