(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews

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Marley let out a long, drawn out sigh, "I'm not doing this every day."

Aiden snorted, "We're not here for my workout routine, I'm taking an off day today to focus on you."

Marley's eyes narrowed at Aiden's words. Aiden is most definitely the more competitive of the two of them, but that doesn't mean Marley's hackles don't raise at a blatant challenge.

She straightened her spine, standing from the passengers seat with new resolve, "New plan. Let's do your workout routine."

Aiden closed the passengers side door, approaching her predatorily. Once her back was against the car, he pressed himself against her. Even though he was dressed in sweats, his Nike trainers and a Nike windbreaker, none of his clothing did anything to barrier his body heat or the hard ridges of his chest.

Marley's wide eyes were locked on his mischievous blue ones. He set his hands on the top of the car on either side of her head, leaning in with a cute smirk, "You can't handle it. These muscles have many purposes besides giving you something to stare at."

The back of her neck tingled with heat, slowly rising to her cheeks, "But, these yoga pants are definitely made to give me many things to stare at."

Marley smacked his arm with her mojo back, "That's three comments about the yoga pants, Matthews. Can we move on, please?"

He smirked, throwing an arm over her shoulders, "You've spent almost every day with me for over two months and you still don't know me at all."

Marley sighed in defeat as he walked them inside, "I do, which is why I know asking you to move on is pointless, so instead I would like to make a deal."

"I'm listening," Aiden replied with peaked interest, swiping his card on the trackpad beside the door.

After a beep sounded, the light on the pad turned green and the door clicked open. He led them through an empty lounge area with modern seating, a stocked fridge of energy drinks and a water cooler. The carpet beneath them was a navy blue, and there was a small entrance on the right to what appeared to be a store for workout clothing and accessories. They passed by an empty receptionists' desk — even the employees aren't awake at this unholy hour of the morning.

Aiden led them down a hallway with glass walls leading to a set of stairs. On either side was a view of the track he was referring to. It even had artificial grass in the middle of the ring and along the edges of the black oval running track. No one else was on the track, but Marley could distantly hear the sound of music from upstairs. Once they made it to the stairs, Marley glanced over signs which told her the weights were on the second floor, the bathrooms and change rooms were around the corner, and down the stairs led to the track. They walked downstairs together while Marley explained her deal.

"I'll do what you ask, on your terms this morning if you agree to put a pause on your Aiden Matthews comments."

She watched his expression scrunch up with an eye roll. Typical. He swiped his access card across another pad like the one outside, and it flashed green again. The track was practically an auditorium with high ceilings and industrial fans to keep the air cool and circulated. The temperature was comfortable enough, though, to remove her jacket.

Marley's one and only professional workout outfit was a gift from Jenna — Bryan's wife and a yoga guru. It was a Nike outfit composed of high waisted leggings with mesh along the side of her calves, and a black sports bra that covered enough area to be almost a shirt.

The two together didn't expose much apart from the slits in her back and some of her midriff, but Aiden's eyes still bugged considerably when she turned around mid re-tying her ponytail.

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