Niall was chatting with his friends. "Yeah he still is hopefully." Anne said really hoping Louis did get it off as it was would lift the boys spirits slightly. "Alright its all marked down on the register that he's out sick. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She asked "No that was it thanks" Anne said before she left making her way bsck to Liams and Harry's.

Louis was whimpering in Liam's hold as Liam got him changed to go to the doctors and he knew the boy was in a considerable amount of pain 'We are going to get it better and get medicine." Liam soothed. Harry woke up. "Want it better now." Louis cried clinging to Liam "I know but you need medicine." Liam said. Harry lay there deciding how he felt. Louis sighed sniffling. "When we going?" Louis asked. "As soon as grandma comes back." Liam said and Louis nodded.

Harry decided he didn't feel as bad but then again he had nothing left to throw up.

Harry could hear voices and went to investigate. "Hey what you both doing home" Harry says. "Can I cuddle daddy" Louis asks. "Yes you can, he has what appears to be a urine infection, which isn't contagious and won't make daddy or baby sick" Liam said as he passed the boy to Harry. "Aww baby." Harry said sadly cuddling his baby boy close and kissing his hair softly. "You taking him to the doctors?" Harry asked.

"Yeah he's got an appointment at 9:30 so as soon as your mum comes back from dropping ni off I'll head out and then this afternoon as long as he isn't any worse I'll take him to hopefully get his cast off as planned." Liam explained and Harry nodded "How you feeling anyway?" Liam asked then "Yea better thanks" Harry says.

Louis perks up "Still getting this off" the boy smiles. "That's the plan baby." Liam said and Louis mods happily They cuddle and soon hear the door open and close and Anne heads up stairs. "Alright you 3?" Anne asks and they all nod apart from Louis who shrugs.

"Right I'm going to get going then come on lou let's go and get you some special medicine." Liam said taking the boy back into his own arms and Louis nods. Liam carried Louis and places him in his car seat. Liam dies t even bother bringing Lou is crutches this time knowing he won't leave his arms Louis starts falling asleep in the car on the way to the doctors . Liam just let the boy fell asleep as he drove to the hospital.

Anne made Harry some lightly buttered toast . Harry thanked his mum for the toast and started taking small bites Harry had one slice of toast and watched some tv.

Liam soon arrived and carefully got a sleeping Louis out the car. He carried him in and booked the boy in and then sat down. "Papa." Louis mumbled waking up and rubbing his eyes looking around at where he was. "Yes I'm here Lou don't be scared we are just at the Drs to get you special medicine" Liam said as he hugged and comforted the boy. Louis nodded and snuggled into his papa.

"Don't like doctors." Louis whimpered. "There just here to help you baby." Liam said gently rubbing the boys back. Louis nodded sadly. "They will give you medicine so it doesn't hurt to go for a wee" Liam explsined as Lou is name appeared on the board.

"What they going to do?" Louis asked as Liam carried him to the room.

"They will talk to me, and want you to see in a pot so they can test it" Liam explained as he carried Louis to the room and knocked on the door. That it?" Louis asked.

"I don't know for sure but that's what there definitely do." Liam said as they were tolf to enter the room. The Dr introduced himself to Liam as Liam took a seat and the saud hello yo Louis aswell. Louis waved slightly before burying his face in Liam's chest. The man sighed but decided to leave Louis like that for the time being and started playing with his hair.

"So what can I help you with?" The dr asked Liam ."Well Louis was more tired over the weekend and yesterday and we couldn't put our finger on. Then yesterday when my mum picked up Lou is and his brother from school she noticed Louis had to go for a wee quite often and he had an accident which he never has now and thrn Louis complained it was hurting when he went" Liam explained. "Has he had a temperature or anything?" The dr then asked. "Not that I've noticed but I also haven't checked." Liam said "Ok so I'll start by checking his observations then we will get a urine sample" the Dr said Liam nodded and attempted to try and get Louis to cooperate.

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