"Louis come on it's not much." The teaching assistant tried. "Come on sit up " she coaxed. Louis just looked at her but didn't make any move. "Louis I don't want you to get yourself into trouble for ignoring instructions." She said softly "Want to sleep tired" Louis replied.

"But nobody will want indoor play. It's sunny everyone wants to be outside." Louis said looking at his teaching assistant with tears forming in his eyes. "Oh Louis don't cry." She said as the boy sniffled rubbing his eyes. Louis tried not to cry and sniffled more. Louis soon had tears falling from his eyes. One of Louis friends came over and hugged the boy. Louis wrapped his arms weakly around his friend just wanting a cuddle. Ideally he wanted a cuddle from his daddy or papa but he was willing to have one from anyone at this moment. The teaching assistant smiled. "Do you want to stay inside and play with Louis at break" the teaching assistant asked Louus friend. The boy nodded and the teaching assistant smiled deciding to abandon the idea of writing with Louis for the time being and maybe try after lunch with the boy.

Do you want to go finish your work till lunch" the teacher asked Louis friend. "Stay with Lou." Louis' friend said and the teaching assistant nodded going to get the boys work so he could do it sitting down next to Louis. Louis cheered up and helped his friend with the maths. Soon it was nearly lunchtime and the teaching assistant took Louis and his friend down to get there lunch 5 minutes earlier so louis didn't get hurt from the crowds Louis used his crutches to walk to the canteen and choose his food.They sat at the table and ate their lunch.

By the time everyone else started coming in louis and his friend we're pretty much finished When they were finished the teaching assistant helped Louis up on his crutches "Right let's go back to the classroom." She said and both boys nodded heading out of the canteen the teaching assistant staying close to Louis so he didn't get knocked They soon arrived bsck on the classroom and the teaching assistant helped Louis bsck into his seat and asked the boys what they wanted to do. "Lego?" Louis' friend asked and Louis nodded in agreement The teacher went to get the bus of Lego to save Louis having to live again.

Both smiled and thanked her when she returned and she sat and watched them until a lunch supervisor came in to carry on watching the boys so she could have a break and her lunch.

The boys worked and created something together. The lunch time supervisor spoke to both boys and found out what they were building "A farm cause that's Lou's favourite thing," louis' friend said and Louis nodded in agreement "Do you need any help" the lunch assistant asked "Can you make some animals for us?" Louis asked. "I can try." She said and Louis nodded before handing her some lego The teacher smiled and started off as they built a barn.

That's how they spent the rest of lunch building the farm and by the end of lunch they had something louis was pretty proud off and as the teaching assistant came in louis was quick to show it off. "Can we finish it tomorrow?" Louis asked. "I'm not sure you Be here louis as I know you've got a hospital appointment and I don't know whether your being picked up before lunch or after." She said.

"Oh can we keep it to show my daddy when he picks me up today" Louis then asked. "Yeah I'll put it on the window seal okay and then we're see it and remember to show daddy." She said and Louis nodded watching as she placed it down.
The teacher took the afternoon register and then told then they were doing this week's spellings. Louis sighed at that not wanting to do spellings. The teacher write the first two on the board for everyone to copy down and practice. Louis started writing them down and knew they were going to be hard to learn as to Louis they were pretty long words.

The next couple were easier. They had a list of six words in the end. "Right so you all need to learn these the best you can for Friday Okay when we're be having our test." The teacher said and all the kids nodded. The teacher also handed a price of paper with all six spellings on.

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