Unintentional Contact...

Start from the beginning

It was becoming a ritual... no, I was becoming a serial liar. Nathan held onto my arm and walked me forward.

"I'm okay, I can go to my room," Nathan was about to protest but his phone rang and he had to answer it. By the time I reached the first step Kai was already beside me. I almost jumped in place but kept my composure.

"Did you... need to tell me something?" he cleared his throat. "I... can help you upstairs," if my eyes could widen as far as the eye can see... what did he just offer?

"It's alright, I can--"

"It's either this or I invite our doctor over. Your choice," I stared at him and he brought his arm forward. 

"Just consider it my charity," I glared up at him.

"Well then, how grateful I am for your good will..." I grabbed onto his arm tightly and he looked at me briefly before heading upstairs.

Even though he did say that about me he was still cautious with every step he took. He was following my pace in order to ensure I got upstairs perfectly.

At the top step he released me and headed towards his room. He was such an odd guy...

I slowly followed after him and went to go open my door but it was locked. I tried shimming it open but it seemed as though it was stuck. I was just here less than fifteen minutes ago so what happened...? I tried shaking the door handle around a few times but it wouldn't work.

I tried getting a grip on the edge of the door but that wouldn't help.

I could sense that Kai was curious and I could tell he was approaching me from behind so I wanted to get it opened up as soon as possible.

The more I firmly tried to pull it open the more the doorknob loosened.

And before I knew it my elbow was flying out with the doorknob in my hand. I had hit something behind me. When I turned around Kai was cursing. I had smacked my elbow into his lip.

"Shit!" I said while racing towards him. He already put his hand up in protest.

"Never mind, I will call someone to look at your door."

"But your mouth," he briefly looked up and it was bleeding. I was surely going to be cursed by this man. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, I'll just-"he was now fully standing up, dabbing his finger on his bloody lip.

"Hold on, alright," I held my stomach as I raced to the bathroom to grab the mini first aid kit. I came back, opening it up on the ground, putting ointment on a cue tip, and then taking a small little band-aid. When I stood up with each one in either hand he looked at me confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Administering first aid?"

"Don't be ridiculous, for such a small wound."

"Hey, even small wounds can fester and can become a problem later on. Do you want that?" he stared me down and the scoffed. I leaned over and dabbed the cut and then placed the band-aid on top.

"You seem better already," he remarked and I cringed a little.

"Maybe... you could call the worker for my door now?" he took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. He requested the maintenance worker to come in as soon as possible. He hung up and I stood there momentarily before turning around, leaning against the wall.

"You... are you hiding something?"

"Me? Hiding something?" Oh, you have no idea...


"None that I can think of," at least, none that I am willing to share unless I completely know. He sighed and then let it go.

"Don't linger around this area." He went into his room and closed the door behind him. I decided to go to one of the lounges at this level to do some reading.

When the worker came in later he observed that there was something unusual about the way the door was shut. It seemed like it had been sealed. Upon further investigation, he noticed that there was an intense industrial glue inside the panel that was keeping it closed.

He would have to saw away at the door and the sides before putting in a new door completely. He wondered if anyone was pranking me. It didn't dawn on me, but Cassandra... if this was a part of her elaborate plan to manipulate me psychologically... it was child's play.

I told the worker to do what he had to do so he told me that it would take up to an hour but then I would be door-less for a night. I decided that I would just stay overnight in one of the dozens of rooms they had.

In the short amount of time that woman had to allegedly destroy my door... she was quite crafty. I had to admit that. When the next day rolled around, I was already heading out to the art studio. I saw the worker come in bright and early with a new door and I was grateful for that.

Later on at work I also saw West again and he told me a little more about his new apartment, and how he was thinking of adopting a cat soon. Rae, on the other hand, was seriously hung over from a group dating experience she had.

She didn't meet the 'right one,' but she had a fun time. She was a little out of it, so I spent most of my time thinking about how to help Charlie.

When I was done work, I came home to a new door. I also ended up finishing the commissioned work I had done for the man who asked me to paint a portrait of him and his late wife. When I called him to let him know when he would like it he requested it as soon as possible so I agreed to bring it to him later in the evening.

I asked Walt for help and he was happy to drive me to this older gentleman's place. When I handed him over the portrait, more than being paid for my art,  seeing his expression after opening up and starting at the previously empty canvas now filled with him and his wife's smiles from their wedding day over 40 years ago was incredibly beautiful.

After that, I was on my way back home.

When I got in; shortly after taking my shoes off, I was intercepted by Mackenzie, who had a desperate look on her face.

"Quick Hazel! Please help!" I didn't know what was going on, but that young girl grabbed onto my hand tightly and pulled me forward.

I wondered what could have possibly happened... 

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