Fun time

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Hey guys !!
How are you all ? Well I'm still recovering and all that .

Today I was sitting idle and thought to do something fun . So me and my sister started asking each other these fun riddles and I thought why not play these with my wattpad friends . So here I'm with some riddles .

( Answers will be revealed a night after all the questions are answered and the next update will be at same time when answers are revealed . So it's basically in your hands , the faster you answer the faster you get update . 😊😊)

All the best 👍👍 and have a lots of fun .

Okay so here we go -

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Okay so here we go -

1) You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?

This is the first one I really didn't get the answer of .

2) What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman

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2) What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?

Let's see if you guys can answer this one ☝️☝️( evil smirk ) 😏😏😏

3) What English word has three consecutive double letters?

4) A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. Next, she hangs him. Right after, they enjoy a lovely dinner. Explain.

5) A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sistes are there in the family?

 How many brothers and sistes are there in the family?

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