If Anger Had A Metre...

Start from the beginning

I shivered a little, realizing I left my coat back there. I kicked the air while laughing out at my forgetfulness, and then decided to sit on a bench. I contemplated calling Nathan, but that would require getting into a conversation about why I was out here without a jacket. I would take the bus and cool off on my own.

Before I got up again I felt something fall next to me. When I looked over, it was my jacket. When I looked up at the person who placed it next to me, it was James. I couldn't believe it. I really didn't want to see his face quite yet. It was just too cruel how I was being judged this harshly.

Even with the circumstances as they were... even though I had been through enough for the night he did come out for a reason. It couldn't have been just for my jacket. He seemed to the more sensible one of the brothers but after this I didn't know what he was capable of.

"Isn't there something you wanted to say to me seeing as you followed me here?" he pushed up his glasses, which were falling off the bridge of his nose. I suppose he wore contacts when I saw him. He must have been studying, hence why he had them on...

"There's something I want you to understand..." he said and then continued: "I may not like you, but that was wrong of me. I shouldn't have called you dirty. They were just agitating me and I let it get the better of me. When they found out about my new grandmother... I had been the topic of conversation for weeks. I apologize for my hasty comment. It wasn't my intention to defame you. I just wanted to put an end to the conversation."

"Who the hell said I'm your 'new' grandmother?" he looked up at me, and I glared back at him. He stood up, and I pointed at myself. "Me?" he stared back at me. He was just as tall as Kai, perhaps maybe an inch taller?

"Let's get something straight here..." I walked towards him, facing him properly for the first time.

 "I've never been sexually or romantically involved with your grandfather. There were zero affectionate feelings I had towards him beside him being an odd, but caring man when we met, and lastly, there was never anything impure or immoral about the context of our meeting."

He looked at me, as though I had smacked him square in the jaw. 

"As absurd as this situation is... considering I can understand why you would make those assumptions about me, know this... I never had that kind of relationship with your grandfather. You can even confirm that with Nathan. At the very least," he stared at me.


"What 'alright,'"

"I'll back off a little. Even though I still don't trust you," I exhaled and then decided to put on my jacket. He was similar to Kai in this respect. He'd back off a little but didn't trust me. These sons were incredibly wound up... I mean, I get it, but this was just a bit much...

"This whole family is exhausting me," he looked at me, a little puzzled. I had an extra napkin in my jacket that I pulled out. 

"Here... sorry about pouring beer all over you just a moment ago... I also reacted too impetuously..." there was a pause and he eventually took it. I walked away from him and he watched me leave.

When I got home, just past 9 o'clock, I thought about heading to bed early. If I got up early I could go for a morning work out for a change. By the time I finished my shower I was already tired.

When I got into bed, I thought about what more I could possibly do to continue breaking down this bias against me. This was already difficult to begin with. I knew that. But I knew where that old man was coming from, so I couldn't consciously ignore the intention.

I turned around and agreed to myself that I would think about it in the morning...

When I woke up, I made myself a smoothie.

I finished it on my way to the gym and then got into a routine. Cardio, weights, strength training, some boxing. By the time I was finished, I swore I had sweat off half of my body weight...

I had a quick shower in one of their bathroom's downstairs so that I could freshen up before a swim. I hadn't been to the indoor pool yet and it felt a little exciting to try something new today.

When I dove into the water I suddenly felt freer. Having the water glide past my body as I swam from one side to the other side of the pool. I don't know how long I spent doing laps but after it felt like my body was going to burst I stopped and floated in the middle of the pool. It felt like I could hear the ocean with my ears underneath the water.

After some time I got out of the pool. I changed into my clothes and then headed to the kitchen again to have a large brunch, in place of the single smoothie I had this morning. When I finished eating,Edna came into the kitchen. She was coughing. I looked over at her concerned.

"Edna, are you sick?" she looked over at me and smiled.

"Just feeling a little under the weather dear," she looked like she was getting a few drinks prepared.

"You should rest," I got up and walked over to her and she shook her head.

"Maybe you can make today an exception? Let me help you today" I insisted.

"No, dear, you mustn't," she coughed again. She looked a little worn out. She was just so incredibly stubborn. I nodded, knowing that I couldn't convince her otherwise...

After I ate, I cleaned up after myself and then decided to head over to the meditation room. I had grabbed a few books from the library already. I had intended to spend some time catching up on some much needed me-time.

About an hour into my reading session, I yawned and stood up to stretch my body around.

I then suddenly heard the door open and heard a flock of laughter coming from the doorway. 

Several women were entering the space. With Cassandra at the centre. It seemed like her 'posse,' was flanking her on the right and left... 

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