She told me she wants to go visited her parents and I took the opportunity to say I would gladly join her to meet them.

With the appointments I have, we decided to delay the visit and take extra days off work in January. We are gonna spend Christmas and New Year with my parents and on the second of January, we fly back to stay with her.

Depending on how this week went, we were supposed to decide to stay together or not. And I don't think she realized that we made plans for the future.

I didn't found weird habits. Ok, maybe the facial mask. I guess it's a girls thing? Yet none of my girlfriends faced me with one. She scared the crap out of me, looking all pale white like that chick from The Grudge.

She forced me to take one too, smearing hers all over me and I didn't mind it. I made her believe I did, but I round it relaxing and my skin was as soft and smooth as a baby's butt when she washed it off.

I smile to myself. The fact that she feels comfortable enough to do silly things, tells me that we have grown more toward each other than a could have hoped for.

No one ever made me put on a facial mask. That is something strange, she managed to make me do things I wouldn't think of doing.

Like that evening she insisted that she vacuumed the first floor. I have a housekeeper for that! She did it anyway. I watched her vacuuming and dance at the same time as the music turned up high. It was a really silly dance and when she caught me staring at the door opening, she wouldn't let go of me before I danced with her.

I should have run. Yes, I know. I want to take a dance class with her and that's for a good reason. I can't dance! No serious. I can climb a mountain, ride a motorcycle, jump out of an airplane and even ride a horse if I have to, but when the words, dance with me, float through the air, I get stiff as a board.

She pushed me and we had our first dance.
It wasn't the way she dances in the club, but the love in her eyes showed me that that was ok. That I don't need to be that guy to make her happy.

"Are you ok?" Nova says lying with her head on my lap, reading a book.

"Yes, why?

"Because you keep on frowning, scrunching your nose, and smiling."

"I was thinking about you."

She smiles wide and the dimple on her left cheek shows. I noticed that that dimple only shows when she is genuinely happy.

"Oh, and what were you thinking then?"

"I was skeptical if we could make it work when I asked you to stay here."

Her eyebrows furrow and she sits up straight, with an uncertain look on her face. "What are you trying to say?"

"Well... It could break or make this relationship, with the trust issues and all."

She bites her lip and her eyes turn glossy. "And... did I break it."

"No, silly. Sunday, I was lost for a moment though. Right after you woke up, I saw the hesitation in your eyes. Like you distanced yourself from me and I knew if I wouldn't be able to puncture through that, we would be lost from the start."

"The moment I cornered you, the hesitation disappeared and I became optimistic when I was able to make you uncomfortable with only words. You took the bait and I needed a lot of self-control to resist you." Her cheeks turn deep red and she looks down at her hands. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it.

"I thought I made a mistake bringing you to the circuit because you froze in the car. Now I know I did." I feel awful knowing what she went through. Maybe she was scared to death. "Nova, I never would have brought you there if I knew about Luna."

Let me love you. ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora