"What is it?" Niall asked putting his pencil down "Daddy can you sit me down so I can look in the bag to get it" Louis said. "Course sweetie." Harry said placing Louis down next to Niall Liam gave Louis the bag so he could find the book for Niall. After quite a bit of rummaging Louis finally found the one he wanted and gave it to Niall. NIall looked at it.

"Thank you Lou, this is perfect" Niall smiled. "I can help as well." Louis said and Niall smiled thankfully at his younger brother "You are a star and will make the most amazing big brother." Niall said. Louis smiled at that and Liam knew that Louis would be amazing at helping his younger sibling with maths as by the time his younger sibling reaches school age Louis would be 10 going on 11 and Liam had no doubts that Louis would be some kind of maths genius by then bearing in mind he can already understand and help Niall out with his work which is 3 years higher than Louis should be doing.

Louis reached out for hug with Niall. Niall smiled and went over to Louis hugging him tightly knowing that's what Louis wanted. "I help you with numbers and then you help me with writing." Louis said and Niall nodded "Yup and then we can both help our little brother or sister" Niall then smiled. Louis nodded cuddling closer to Niall.

He was coming round to this big brother idea but what he still wasn't sure about was the fact he would no longer be the baby.

When the boys broke away from the hug. "Let's leave Ni to finish his work and go and play" Liam said Louis nodded reaching for Liam to carry him who agreed and the pair headed to the playroom Liam placed the boy carefully on the floor and aked him what he wanted to play. "Animals please." Louis said pointing to his barn which held a load of animals in not all farm ones either as last time Liam checked you didn't get a lion at the farm but somehow it had ended up in there and others seemed to follow.

"Of course Lou" Liam smiled as he got the barn and the animals of course having to bring everything over in multiple trips but Liam didn't mind as the boy couldn't get them himself. Louis smiled and handed Liam a couple of animals. "You can be these ones." Louis said pointing to the animals he'd given Liam and Liam nodded Liam chose a lion and made the lion noise. Louis giggled making Liam smile as he truly loved that sound.

Liam repeated the lions noise and then asked a giggly Louis to make the sound of his animal. Louis did and the pair continued on that way for a while Soon Louis was telling Liam what both animals were doing and they acted it out. Niall joined the pair once he'd finished his homework and Louis was more than happy to let Niall join Liam played with them for a bit longer before going to sort dinner out.

"What's all the giggling I've been hearing for the last 30 minutes?" Harry asked walking into the kitchen where Liam was preparing dinner. "Louis' been making animal noises." Liam simply replied and Harry nodded.

"Do you think he's alright with the idea of being a big brother now?" Harry asked and Liam sighed. "I think he's coming round to the idea. I'm going to read him one of the books tonight that I brought today. I think the thing that's still getting him down is that he's worried he won't get cuddles or our attention anymore as he won't be the youngest." Liam said.

"We need to show both of them they will still get attention. How about we designate one night a week that one of us does something with either both of them together or separately and we can take in turns" Harry suggested. "Yeah that's not a bad idea but I don't want them thinking that's that is the only time they get our full attention." Liam said.

"No off course not we will make sure one of us baths and reads Lou a story and help with homework still. Louis loves being helpful so we can ask him to pass us things" Harry carried on. "That's true plus it's still another 6 months. When I was in the book shop earlier though one of the workers suggested letting Louis but we could also let Niall help out with choosing things for the baby, like with getting the nursery ready and everything." Liam said.

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