(B) Chapter Twenty-Five: A Sorcerer's End

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Iago: How many years have you been waiting for this? How long have you anticipated this meeting? Judging by the look in your eyes, it's been quite a while.

Takumi: Everything we suffered through... I'm going to return it to you tenfold. I hope you like hell.

(Sakura initiates combat against Iago)

Sakura: Y-You...

Iago: Ah, you must be the little Hoshidan princess... You sure have changed since I last saw you.

Sakura: Y-You meant the night you m-murdered my birth mother...

Iago: I'm glad to see you have some sense. You were so small in those days... I would never fight a baby, which makes me glad you've grown. It allows me to tear you to shreds here and now!

(Azura initiates combat against Iago)

Azura: I have heard of your misdeeds against my family.

Iago: Your family? If I recall correctly, your true family is here in Nohr. You know, the family who was ready to hand the throne to you.

Azura: ...

Iago: It is strange to see you alive today. Your mother passed away and an assassination was ordered on you, young Azura. I thought you would have died.

Azura: I refuse to fall to your kingdom.

Iago: Keep telling yourself that as I cast you into oblivion!

(After the battle, the royals stand around Iago)

Hinoka: This is it.

Iago: ...

Hinoka: After all these years... The one I've been searching for... The one who murdered our birth mother, who stabbed our father, who helped to kidnap Corrin, who killed our step-mother... It's just you, a cowardly man who can't accept when he's lost.

Iago: You should have stayed out of the things that don't involve you... You little brat...

Hinoka: The little brat you angered all those years ago has just come back to end your pathetic life. What do you have to say to that?

Iago: I wish I had killed you when you were small.

Hinoka: That regret will haunt you for the last moments of your existence. Goodbye.

(Hinoka strikes down Iago)

Ryoma: It feels so underwhelming...

Takumi: He did so much to hurt us, and yet, he barely suffered as he died... Pathetic.

Hinoka: I'm just glad he's gone.

Sakura: Mother... I hope she's okay in the afterlife...

Corrin: He got what was coming to him. We've avenged all those who were lost at his hands.

Azura: We shouldn't stay here long. There could be reinforcements. We should press on.

???: Wait for me!

(Elise runs onto the screen)

Corrin: Elise! What are you doing here?

Elise: I've been chasing you everywhere... I was hoping to catch up to you and get your help.

Corrin: Camilla mentioned you had gone missing... Where did you go?

Elise: I was trying to find you. I was too late to reach you while you were out in the city. I'm sorry it took me so long.

Corrin: You should get back home. Camilla and Leo are bound to be worried sick.

Elise: I want to help you. I want to get them on your side. Xander too! Father has changed. He's not safe anymore. He's dangerous... I want him to stop this. The others don't want to fight either. I was thinking that if I joined you, maybe I could convince them to come over and help you end this war peacefully. I'm tired of all the fighting. If I can persuade them, everything will be fine.

Corrin: Aren't you worried about fighting your father?

Elise: He... He wasn't ever there for me. I can't go back to him. Plus, the others are upset. I don't like seeing them that way. I think this is the best way to help things go back to how they used to be, even if you're with other people... I don't blame you for leaving Nohr over Father. He's truly gone mad.

Corrin: Elise... 

Elise: So, will you let me join you?

Corrin: I... I will. Welcome to the party.

Elise: Thank you so much!

(Elise dashes off to talk with Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura)

Ryoma: Are you sure this is a good idea? We could be accused of kidnapping her, Corrin.

Corrin: I think she has a point in saying she could help get Camilla and Leo on our side. Plus, I don't want her wandering around alone. Even if she just goes back to her siblings, I'm concerned she'll run into a dangerous battle while we're pressing on through the palace.

Azura: So we're going to protect her.

Corrin: Exactly. 

Ryoma: I'll trust your judgement here. We'll do our best to keep her safe.

Corrin: Thank you for this. I really appreciate it... Now, let's not waste another moment. It's time to end this war once and for all.


Four more chapters hooooooo boy


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