"Oh right, yeah I don't see why not he's going to need to know, why keep it from him any longer." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Let him sleep for now and when he wakes up we're sit him down and explain it to him. How do you think he'll react I mean he's been the baby of the family on both sides for 5 years?" Harry asked.

"I don't know he has mentioned a few times that he wants to be an older brother like niall" Harry said.. "But he's also said a few times he doesn't want to grow up and by becoming an older brother he is going to have to grow up." Liam said. "I will make sure he is ok" niall suddenly piped up. "I know you will love as that's part of being a big brother." Liam said.

"Even though he's going to be a big brother himself he'll always be my little brother and I'll always look out for him." Niall said and Liam and Harry both smiled proudly at the boy Harry pulled the boy into a hug as he was proud of him.

Louis started to stir then rubbing his eyes and releasing a quiet yawn. "Hey baby, more awake after your nap?" Liam asked the 5 year old who was looking up at him. Louis just cuddled into his papa as he wokr up a bit more. "Toilet" the boy then said "Come on then." Liam said picking the boy up and heading to the bathroom. Louis did his business thrn Liam picked him up and got the boy to wash his hands before he carried the boy back to the lounge.

"Can we talk to you Lou?" Liam asked and Louis just shrugged turning his attention to the tv but Harry turned it off. "Lou we need full attention please." Harry said and the boy huffed but did turn to face Harry. Niall turned the tv off for his parents. "You daddy has been getting sick and icky a lot recently there is a reason for that and we want to share it with you" Liam started saying.

"Daddy poorly" Lou is asked sadly "No baby, well yeah I guess a bit, but there's a reason why daddy's been poorly and I want to share that with you." Liam said and Louis turned so he was facing Liam.

"What is it Papa?" Louis questioned. "You know how you said you wanted to be a big brother like niall" Harry said. "Hmm." Louis said loosing concentration again. "Come on Lou concentrate, I'm asking for 5 minutes that's it." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded. "I don't know if I want to be a big brother anymore." Louis said and Liam looked at Harry concerned as that's not what they wanted to hear when they were about to break the news to Louis that he was in fact going to be one.

"Why not love?" Liam asked "Being a big brother is really fun Louis" niall said as Louis didn't answer. "How?" Louis asked still not really interested in the idea and Harry and Liam were praying Niall could convince Louis as they were both younger siblings only having older sisters so probably wouldn't be much help." It's fun someone to play with, look out for" niall said. Louis just shook his head and Harry sighed at that looking at Liam in a way of asking if they should break the news or not.

Liam nodded knowing if they say now Louis has got time to come round again. "Trust me it will be fun you will have someone to cuddle and play with, and we will always make sure we have cuddles with just Louis to" harry said. Louis just hummed again.

"Lou look the reason why we're saying all this is because you are going to be a big brother soon." Liam said and that caught louis' attention straight away as he looked up at Liam Louis was silent for a minute. "It's going to be so much fun having another brother or sister" niall said to his brother. Louis just shook his head and Liam knew the boy was upset and probably confused when he reached for his crutches and carefully got up before leaving the room. "Let's leave him for a bit." Liam said.

Louis slowly walked into the playroom and then got stuck as he couldn't sit on the floor and he just wanted to play. Niall however decided to go and follow louis and his parents didn't stop him and Niall finally found his brother in the playroom looking defeated.

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