#23 and 28 with Remington Leith

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Requested by LilithQueenOfHell and LittleTicTac (I combined the two I hope you guys don't mind!) 

As you started to pack everything in the car, Remington and his brother's walked out. It was the last day of moving and you couldn't be more excited to get the kids back on a regular schedule.

"How is my wife more badass than I am?" Remington asked Sebastian as they watched you get the car seat in the car in what seemed like no time at all. "Honestly, I don't know but it's kinda scary," Sebastian responded, going back to moving boxes.  

You joined the boys once you were done putting things in the car, helping them move the last few boxes to Sebastian's car. His oldest was watching all the kids while you all finished packing things into the cars, all the kids having a good time together. 

Once you guys were done, you all gathered the kids into the cars and started the drive to the new house. 

It was in the same neighborhood as Sebastian, both of them trying to play it off by saying it was for the kid's sake. You and Larisa had your conspiracies, thinking the boys just wanted to be close to each other but every time you two brought it up they were quick to deny it. 

It took you guys around a week or so to get everything unpacked and put where it needed to be, setting up the kids rooms first so they could play in there while you finished the rest of the house. 

"I'm gonna head to the store really quick, does anyone need anything?" You asked, all the kids sitting in the living room with Remington and Sebastian. Larisa jumped up, demanding to go with you while everyone else said no, focusing back on the game they were playing. 

"What do you need from the store?" Larisa asked as you pulled out of the driveway, the music softly playing in the background. "Honestly, I just wanted to get out of the house." 

Larisa laughed as you turned up the music, enjoying some time away from your crazy family. 

You and Larisa wandered through the store, picking up stuff that looked interesting. A few fans noticed you, some of them wanting pictures while others just wanted to say hi. As you two were checking out, the cashier kept hitting on the both of you. 

Of course, you and Larisa tried to not laugh at him and his poor attempt at flirting. As another cashier was called over, the one not being able to ring up the wine you both picked up, they recognized you. 

As they were ringing up the wine, they tried to contain their chuckle as the boy kept trying to flirt. 

When you were walking away, you two could hear their conversation. "Dude, that was Remington Leith and Sebastian Danzig's wives. You'd never stand a chance." "Oh my god, is that who they were? I bet they think I'm desperate now." You turned around, Larisa trying to hold back her laugh. 

"It was kinda cute, don't give up on flirting with middle-aged moms until you find the one for you!" You blew him a kiss before Larisa dragged you out of the store and to the car, yelling at you to get in. 

When you guys got home, you brought everything into the kitchen before going into the living room. 

Once you guys started walking into the living room, you both saw all the kids on furniture, the boys playing along. "THE FLOOR IS LAVA! I'LL SAVE YOU!" Remington yelled as he jumped from the couch into the armchair, holding his arm out for you. 

You quickly grabbed onto his hand, jumping into the chair with him. A laugh escaped your mouth as all the kids let out a sigh of relief, cheering that you didn't get burned alive by the lava. "Oh wow, thanks for saving me from the lava guys," Larisa said as she glared at her husband who was standing on the coffee table. 

The kids laughed as Larisa walked away, mumbling about how she needed a glass of wine. 

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