Yungblud/Dominic Harrison: Polygraph Eyes

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The smile never faltered from your face, you and your friends enjoying the girls night out. You had a few drinks in your system, trying to forget the stress of work and life in general. Of course, through all the dancing you didn't notice a group of guys eyeing you down. 

"We're gonna go to the bathroom, wanna come?" Your friend shouted over the music. You shook your head and told her you were gonna go sit at the bar for a bit, tired from dancing. Once you got over there, one of the guys who had been eyeing you all night decided to get up and join you. 

It didn't click in your mind when he sat down and ordered a drink, trying to make small talk with you. He just seemed like a friendly guy at the bar. "So, you here with anyone?" "Yeah, my friends. How about you?" 

"Nah, just wanted to get out of the house." Lie number one. 

"So, what's your name?" He asked, fully turning to face you. "Y/N," you said as you held out your hand, a stupid smile on your face. "Chad," he replied, shaking your hand. "It's nice to meet you Chad." "It's nice to meet you too, Y/N." 

The two of you talked for around 10 minutes before you wanted to go back to the dance floor, spotting your friends. "Wanna come dance with me?" You asked, standing up and paying for the drink you ordered. He nodded and put some money down as well, following you to the dance floor. 

"How is a girl like you single?" He asked over the music, the two of you still getting to know each other as you danced. "I don't know, I guess guys just don't find me attractive. Plus, most guys I find already have someone." "What do you mean?" "Well I would imagine you have a girlfriend. You're nice and you actually don't care to dance at a club." 

"Actually, I'm pretty single. Most girl's don't find me attractive." Lie number two. 

Your friends ended up leaving, but you decided to spend some more time with Chad. You were genuinely interested and wanted to get to know him. 

The two of you found a table and he ordered a round of drinks, you gladly taking it. Eventually, the one round turned into two, three, and four. At this point, you couldn't walk by yourself and your mind wasn't working. 

"How about I take you back to my place so I can keep an eye on you," Chad said, helping you stand up. You tried to fight him off and shake your head, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. In the back of your mind, you were screaming for a savior, someone to help you but you couldn't get the words out. 

"Brov, get off of her," a voice said from behind you guys. Chad turned around, his arms still around you as you struggled to stand. "I'm just trying to get my girlfriend back to our house, chill dude," Chad said, his grip getting tighter. "No, I saw her trying to get away from you back there. Just let her go man," the mystery man said, not wanting to start a fight. 

"Listen, dude. You don't know her alright. Fucking chill." "No, you listen mate. Let her fookin go before I get the fookin bouncer," as soon as those words left his lips, Chad loosened his grip and let you fall, speeding away from the two of you. 

"Love, are you alright?" "Ye-yeah. I just want to go ho-home," you mumbled, rubbing your head. "Is your car near by? Or did you take a taxi?" "Taxi," you said as the mystery man helped you up off the ground. 

"My name's Dom by the way." "Y/N." Dom helped you stabilize yourself, using his free hand to order an Uber. "Thank you for helping me back there, I don't know why my brain shut down but it did," you said as he kept his arm around you. 

"You're welcome. Plus, I've seen that guy try and get girls around here. It just pisses me off so much that guys like him think it's bloody okay to take advantage of girls because they want to go out and have a good time. It just makes me fookin si- why are you giggling?" Dom asked, cutting off his rant. 

"Your accent gets so much thicker when you're angry, and you squeezed my side tighter and it tickled," you said, Dom turning a bright shade of pink. "Don't be embarrassed, I mean I am the one who wreaks of alcohol and I'm pretty sure my makeup is wrecked." 

"You still look great, and surprisingly it's not that bad. Just really fruity," Dom chuckled at his own statement, making you laugh. 

Finally, the Uber showed up and Dom helped you get in, you telling him to get in with you. "I'll pay you back for this ride and I'll pay for the ride for wherever you need to go, I just didn't want to try and get home alone." "Don't worry about it, love. You don't need to pay me," Dom said as you laid your head on his shoulder, feeling comfortable with him. 

The two of you sat in silence, the only noise in the car coming from the soft-playing speakers. 

About ten minutes from your house, you looked over at Dom as he watched out the window. "Thank you for saving me back there," you whispered, hoping he heard. At this point, you were starting to sober up and you knew you were going to have a major hangover tomorrow. 

"You're welcome love." "I have an idea, how about you give me your number so I can make this up to you," you said, already fishing your phone out of your pocket. Dom chuckled and took it from you, typing in his number before taking a picture of himself to set as his picture. 

You laughed when you looked at it, the double chin and cross-eyed look somehow working on him. You also noticed he had sent a message to himself, making sure he had your number. 

Finally you got back to your house, the Uber waiting outside to take Dom to his hotel. He walked up to the door, wanting to make sure you made it in safely. "Thank you again, it really means a lot." "You're welcome, now go get some sleep. You're gonna need it," you laughed as the two of you said goodbye. 

By the time you made it to your bed, you didn't have the energy to change or take off your makeup before passing out. 

The next morning, you woke up to a pounding headache and an unread text. 

"Mornin love, wanna go get some breakfast to cure your hangover?  your new favorite British boy, Dom"

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