Carmen Vandenberg: Sweetheart

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 Requested: aaaye if you're gonna do bones imagines, can i request one? carmen & a female reader? something kinda soft and fluffy and dorky, maybe where the reader's trying to learn to play guitar to impress carmen but she ends up having to help because oH MY GOD HOW DO YOU EVEN PLAY GUITAR?  


A sigh escaped your mouth as you read over the music sheet. Your anniversary with your girlfriend, Carmen, was coming up and you really wanted to surprise her. Of course, you had to be extra as fuck and learn one of her hardest songs. 

Now, it seemed like a good idea at first and you were so excited when Rosie presented the idea. In practice, though, is a completely different story. Not only are you struggling to learn all the chords and such, you had to try and hide what you were doing from Carmen. 

This meant trying to find excuses to leave the house and sneak to Rosie's without raising suspicions. You knew she had questions about what you were doing when you were gone for hours and she even tried prying information from Rosie. 

Somehow, she had managed to stay silent but Carmen's suspicions were starting to get the best of her. Of course, her first thought what you were cheating on her with Rosie. As soon as she even started bringing up the idea to Rosie, it was instantly shut down. 

"How's it going love?" Rosie asked as she opened the door. You jumped then set down the music sheet. "Not good, I just can't figure this out and I'm starting to get angry." Rosie chuckled as she walked over to you. 

The two of you sat together and went over the music, Rosie doing her best to help. "Why did you choose Girls Can't Play Guitar? Like, that's one of our hardest songs." You laughed as Rosie scolded you for your song choice. 

"You know, I just wanted to be extra and surprise her but it's turning out to be a bad idea." "You do know you can choose a different song right?" 

"You know, I could but I don't want to pussy out like a little bitch," Rosie laughed as she shook her head. "Alright, I'll let you get back to it. If you need help I'll be in the living room," you said bye as she walked out of the room, leaving you to get frustrated at the guitar in your hands. 

A few more days went by, and you started to lose hope. The more frustrated you got, the harder it was to learn. Carmen was starting to get more upset at the amount you were blowing her off, especially so close to your anniversary. 

She was terrified all her what if's were going to come true, not wanting to lose the love of her life. 

"I'm gonna head out with Rosie, do you need anything while we're out?" She asked as she poked her head into the bedroom. "No, I'm good. Be safe, I love you!" "Love you too babe," Carmen quickly walked over then placed a quick kiss on your cheek before Rosie started yelling for her. 

As soon as they were out of the driveway, you pulled out the music and your guitar. You started practicing, doing just as awful as before. 

What felt like minutes, but was actually around 3 hours, passed and you didn't even notice Carmen and Rosie walk into the house. "Is she playing guitar?" Carmen whispered to Rosie. "Psh, what? No, not her. How about we go back out? She sounds kinda busy," Rosie said as she tried dragging Carmen out of the house. 

It didn't work and Rosie gave up, going to the kitchen to find snacks while Carmen walked upstairs and into the bedroom. "Can I come in?" Carmen laughed when you jumped, dropping the music and almost throwing the guitar. 

"DAMNIT ROSIE, IT WAS YOUR JOB TO NOT SPILL THE BEANS!" "I DIDN'T PLAN ON SPILLING THE BEANS! THEY SPILT BEFORE I COULD THROW THE CAN OPENER INTO THE TRASH!" Carmen laughed as the two of you went back and forth, before shutting the bedroom door. 

She walked over to the bed and picked up the guitar and music. "Girls Can't Play Guitar? Really?" You crossed your arms and huffed as she raised her eyebrows at you. "You know I can't help but be extra," you mumbled as she motioned for you to come sit with her. 

You took the guitar and she smiled. "Maybe if you get good enough, you can join us on stage." "Well, that was part of the plan buT SOMEONE SPILLED THE BEANS!" Carmen laughed as Rosie screamed back. 

Carmen shook her head as she started placing your hands where they needed to be. "No, don't do that, try doing it like this so it won't hurt as much and it will sound so much better." 

You slowly started catching on, getting way to confident. "Alright, before your ego burst through the ceiling, let's give it a rest for today," Carmen said as she took your hands from the guitar, setting it next to the bed. 

She chuckled as she looked at her phone, a goodbye text from Rosie that let you know she was going back to her house. When you looked at the clock, your eyes got wide. It was almost midnight, meaning you guys were playing guitar almost all day. 

Once Carmen got back into the bed, you curled into her side as she put the t.v on. You stared intently at the clock, waiting for the right time. 

As soon as it struck midnight, you let go of Carmen's hand and jumped on top of her. You placed kisses all over her face, her trying to stop you. "Happy anniversary, baby," you said with a huge smile on your face. The sparkle in her eyes caused your smile to grow as she placed a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 

"I love you sweetheart."

Band Imagines -Requests open!!-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang