Nikki Sixx: I Promise

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*Gif taken from Tumblr*

Anon requested: If you're taking requests for the Netflix movie The Dirt, can I get a Nikki Sixx one-shot where the reader's a singer but a solo artist instead of in a band and she's been Nikki's girlfriend since he was in his band London and he forms Mötley Crüe and the band becomes famous and the reader becomes famous too and she drinks but doesn't do drugs and then Nikki overdoses on heroin like in the movie and it's a mix of angst and fluff?

*I'm gonna use Joan Jett's music cause I love her more than I should and she's a pretty safe bet so just pretend that she doesn't exist and you wrote the songs ok did that even make sense*

Once you took out one of your earpieces, your smile grew. The crowd was screaming back every word that you sang and it was one of the best feelings ever. "How are you guys doing tonight?" You asked into the mic when the song was over. 

A small chuckle escaped your mouth when they screamed back, the majority of it being an incoherent mess. "Well, that sounds good. This one is called Bad Reputation." The crowd's loud scream almost took over the room as you started the song, making you almost lose your place in the song. 

When the song ended, you quickly grabbed the nearest water bottle and downed half of it, your guitarist chuckling as he entertained the crowd. You looked over to the side of the stage, waving to Nikki as he laughed at you running around the stage. 

"Alright guys, thank you so much for coming out and seeing us! I love you all so much, goodnight!" You bowed before running off stage, instantly pulling Nikki into a sweaty hug. "Oh, please don't. Please stop touching me," he mumbled, trying to get away from you. "Don't pull that shit with me, you give me nasty sweaty hugs all the time," you sassed, holding him even tighter. 

He laughed before hugging you back and giving you a quick kiss, leading you to the green room to get your stuff. "How's tour so far?" You asked, grabbing the bag you brought into the venue. "Fucking amazing. Like, the crowds are absolutely nuts man. Nothing compares to looking down and seeing the fans singing your songs back to you." You smiled as Nikki went on about the tour, the two of you walking out to the waiting cab that was going to take you to the hotel you were staying at. 

After you took a quick shower, you crawled in to bed next to Nikki. He instantly pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. "Sometimes it's so hard to think how we met at London's first show and we've been together ever since," you mumbled into Nikki's chest as you held onto him. 

"It's insane. Like, I remember when I first met you and was instantly drawn to you. I love you so much babe," Nikki said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. 


You thanked Nikki as he handed you another drink, taking a sip out of it before following him back over to Tommy and Vince. He pulled you into his lap as he sat down on the couch, continuing the conversation he was having with the boys. "Dude! Oh my god, that girl I had in my room last night was fucking crazy! She was a straight-up freak like she did thi-" "T-Bone, not in front of (Y/N)," Nikki quickly shot daggers at the boy as he instantly shut up, rolling his eyes before getting up and walking off since Vince was busying himself with the girl next to him. 

"Sixx! You sleazy mother fucker! Get over here!" Some guy you didn't know yelled as your boyfriend smiled, moving you next to him so he could walk away. A soft sigh escaped your mouth before you downed the drink, trying to prepare yourself for the rest of the party. 

About ten drinks later, a pair of some dudes shoes being ruined, and a table dance later, you finally found Nikki again. "Baby! I finally found you, you sneaky little guy you," you slurred as you crashed into him, his arms instantly catching you. It's obvious he was high, but not nearly as out of it as you were. 

"Let's go home, you're fucking trashed," he said, helping you stand. "No! I want to go dance, come dance with me. Ha, get it. Come on and dance," Nikki cracked a smile at your joke before shaking his head, leading you to the door. "Nikkiiiiiii, I want to danceeeee," you whined, fighting back. 

He shook his head again, still leading you to the front door. You started getting irritated, thinking about why you were even at the party. "You know, you drag me to all these lame-ass parties and I can't even have fun without you being a fucking buzzkill." "Babe, stop talking before you say something stupid. Now let's go home." 

"No, you know what Sixx, fuck you. I've been trying so hard to make you happy and be the girl you want but you make it so fucking hard. I come to these parties with you and I watch you slowly kill yourself with all the drugs and stupid shit you do and I'm just supposed to sit back and be the good little girlfriend. I'm fucking sick of it.

One day this is gonna fucking kill you and all I'm gonna be able to say at your funeral is I to-" "Shut up. Just fucking stop talking," Nikki snapped, the two of you finally outside. Those six words almost instantly sobered you up and you became even more furious. 

You instantly pulled away from him, still slightly unstable but stable enough to stand on your own. "You're telling me to shut up Nikki? Are you fucking kidding me? I've wasted so many fucking years dealing with you and your shit and I'm fucking over it. I'm sick of the bullshit that comes along with all the drugs and the money, it's so fuc-" "Oh, you mean the money that got you your last record deal?" Nikki yelled, causing people to slowly start swarming outside. 

A small chuckled escaped your mouth as you walked over to him, getting in his face. "Fuck you Nikki Sixx. Never fucking talk to me ever again." 

Before he could say anything, you turned around and started walking down the street. 


"Hey mom, where is the milk?" "Oh, we don't have any. I just sent your father to the store to get some," she shouted from the dining room, changing the table cloth and fixing the centerpiece. You nodded before shutting the fridge, deciding to ditch the coffee in your mug for a cup of water. 

When you made your way back into the living room, your mom had sat down on the couch with the news pulled up. "Turn it up," you mumbled as you heard them talking about Motley Crue. She quickly did, keeping her eyes on the screen. 

"It's a sad night for rock and roll, we've just received unconfirmed reports that Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx has died in Hollywood the evening of an apparent drug overdose." Tears instantly flooded your eyes as you set the cup on the coffee table, your mind going a thousand miles a minute. 

Before your mother could react, you quickly made your way to your room, locking the door so no one could get in. The tears didn't stop streaming down your face, the room slowly crushing down on you. 

Suddenly, you got the urge to go to his house. There was no way this could be real. There is no way he was actually dead. "(Y/N), sweetheart ple-wait, where are you going?" Your mother tried following you out of the house but was stopped by your father, the two of them watching you drive off. 

When you got to Nikki's house, you didn't even shut bother to shut off your car before you walked into the house. Everything was exactly where it was when you lived together, it looked like nothing had been touched. 

As you stared at the broken picture of the two of you, you didn't even hear the front door open and close. Nikki stood there like a zombie as he watched you, tears streaming down his face. "God, Nikki. You fucking idiot," you whispered as you ran your fingers over the broken frame. 

"I know, and I'm so sorry." A scream came out of your mouth as you whipped around, more tears streaming down your face. You slowly walked over to him, lightly holding his face in your hands. "Oh my god, you're not dead," you whispered before pulling him into a tight hug. 

His arms slowly wrapped around you, Nikki leaning into you for support. "Please promise me you'll get clean, I can't lose you ever again," you mumbled into him, tears still streaming down your face. "I promise baby, I promise." 

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