Emerson Barrett: I Swear

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It was an off day and Emerson decided he wanted to be lazy, so the both of you had stayed in his bunk all day. "Sebastian! Bring me my laptop pleaseee!" You shouted as you poked your head out of the bunk curtain. Emerson had a tight grip on you to make sure you wouldn't fall out of the bunk.

You heard a long groan and chuckled, thanking Sebastian as he handed you the computer case. Emerson pulled you back against his chest as you pulled up Netflix. "What movie do you want to watch?" You asked as you scrolled through.

"You choose," he mumbled as he buried his head into your neck. A smirk spread across your face as you saw one of your favorite movies appear on the screen. When he looked at the screen, he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Shrek? Really?" "Yes, really. You let me pick the movie."

"SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA ROLL ME!" Emerson chuckled as you got way too into the movie. "I can't believe you can recite the entire movie, you weirdo," Emerson said as you continued watching the screen and mouthing along.

The two of you cuddled as you continued watching movies, the bus now on the highway to the next location. "Emerson, I swear."

The boy next to you chuckled as he buried his head back into your neck. "What? I'm not doing anything," he said with a small smile on his face. You rolled your eyes, going back to the movie on the screen.

The boy tried to hold in his chuckle as you weren't paying attention to him. He slowly moved his feet over to your legs and started to rub them.

"EMERSON I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH ME WITH YOUR COLD FEET ONE MORE TIME!!!" The whole bus broke out into laughter as you almost fell out of the bunk. He rubbed your leg with his foot, this time actually making you fall out of the bunk.

"Goddammit Emerson," you mumbled as you rubbed your butt and flipped off Remington who was laughing at you. "I hate this damn bus sometimes," you grumbled as you opened the fridge in the kitchen.

You grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch as you watched Dan and Sebastian play video games. "Aww, are you not gonna come back?" Emerson asked as he poked his head out of his curtain. "Fuck off."

He laughed and disappeared back into his bunk, Sebastian laughing at the two of you. "Ahh, young love," Sebastian said as he ruffled your hair. "Says the one who can't get a girlfriend," you said as you shoved his arm away from you. He flipped you off and you laughed.

"My bunk got cold without you," Emerson mumbled as he walked over to the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. He plopped onto the couch and pulled you into him, wrapping the blanket around the two of you.

"So help me Emerson, I will shove you off the moving bus if you touch me with your cold feet." "I promise I won't," he said as he cuddled you closer.

"EMERSON!" You shouted as the boy untangled himself from you and ran to the bathroom with the blanket still wrapped around him. He locked the door as you listened to his laugh from the main part of the bus, you on the floor from him trying to get away.

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