Vince Neil: Come On And Dance

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A/N: Ahh! My first Vince imagine~ I hope all of you like it (also sorry for the spam of Motley spam but I'm going through a phase)! Let me know what you guys think~~

You smiled wide when the music hit, wrapping your hands around the pole. All the whistles and stares made you uncomfortable until you lost it in the music. When you were on the small stage, all your worries disappeared and it was just you and the music. 

Come on and Dance was blasting through the bar as you continued to dance on the stage, a certain group of boys growing overly excited. They were nobody's to the rest of the world, but the night you heard Motley Crue for the first time at the Whiskey, you were in love with the music. 

As much as you loved their music, you'd never imagine that they'd be in your little dumpy bar watching you dance. Once the song ended, you walked to the end of the stage to bow. The crowd had erupted into cheers, the boys jumping up from their tables. Whistles and loud claps stayed in the air even when you walked off, the girls backstage smiling and high-fiving you. 

"Now go out there and work that crowd," you manager said, a smile on her face as you quickly changed and re-teased your hair. 

You walked up to the bar and took the full tray, panicking when you saw the table you had to bring it too. "Cindy, that's Motley Crue!" "You mean the shitty band we saw at the Whiskey? You'll be fine, now go bring it to them before they get angry," she said, lightly pushing you away from the bar. 

A smile took over your face as you walked over to the table, lightly placing all the drinks on the table before the boys took what they wanted. "You looked amazing up there," the only blonde at the table said, your heart melting at his voice. 

As you were about to respond, you were called back over to the bar. You quickly mumbled thank you before rushing back, the blonde set on getting with you by the end of the night. 

Slowly, the activity in the bar died down. "Alright, closing time!" Your manager shouted as she started cleaning up all the empty cups and trash on the floor. The remaining drunks all groaned and mumbled about how they weren't finished drinking. 

"Sweetheart, go tell that group over there that we're closing and they need to leave." "Got it," you mumbled, grabbing the tray to get their empty cups. 

"I hate to break up the fun, but it's closing time. If you want to finish them I'd start chugging," the tallest one groaned while the man next to him started chugging what was left in his cup. To your surprise, they all willingly got up from the table and thanked you for the wonderful service and show before walking out of the bar. 

After you brought the empty cups from their table to the back, you had clocked out and changed into different clothes. You threw on your jacket and walked out the back door, starting the short walk to your apartment. 

"Hey! You dropped this!" A voice shouted before their footsteps got louder. The same blonde from the bar had caught up with you, handing you your wallet. "Oh, thank you so much. I can't believe I didn't even notice it was gone," you said as you took it from him, a smile on your face. 

"How can I make it up to you?" "Maybe breakfast, a cup of coffee? I'm Vince, by the way." "(Y/N)." The two of you kept small talk as you walked down the road to the diner, instantly hitting it off. 


Now, a year later, you were still dancing and working at the same bar. Men whistled as you walked around, your skimpy clothes leaving not much to the imagination while you tried to make enough to pay your rent. 

"Baby, what are you still doing here?" Vince asked, surprising you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Oh my god! Vince, what are you doing here?" "I got word that you were still working here, why?" 

You chuckled, shaking your head. "I have to afford my apartment somehow Vince," you said, moving the two of you to the side so you weren't in the way of other bar-goers. 

"Move in with me then, that way you won't have to worry about rent. Hell, you won't have to worry about anything ever again," Vince said, smiling at you while he held onto your waist. "Really?" You asked, not believing him. 

"Yes, really. I just want you to be happy, and well, naked. But mostly happy. Now, let's go tell your manager that you're leaving." You chuckled as you wrapped yourself around Vince, the smile on his face getting bigger. "I love you, I love you, I love you," you mumbled into Vince's ear as he held you close. 

"I love you too, baby. I love you too." 

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