#17 with Carmen Vandenberg

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  Anon requested: carmen and seventeen for the valentines ones please !! the last time you wrote for carmen was so cute :'D  

Music blared through your apartment as you got ready for your date, your new dress hanging on the back of your door. 

You made your way into the bathroom, the shower water warming up. You spent a long time in the shower, making sure your legs were smooth and your hair was clean.  After the shower, you spent a while on your makeup. 

"I'm heading out, I'll be home sometime tonight," you shouted to your roommate before leaving. 

In the car, you played quiet music, trying to calm your nerves. You tapped on the steering wheel, thinking of all sorts of what ifs. 

When you got there, the server led you to a two-person table outside before asking if you would like something to drink. "Just water please," you said before they walked off, saying it would be right out. 

You kept your eye on your phone, constantly checking it. When the waiter brought out the water, they asked if you were ready to order, but you said you would like to wait for your date. 

After what felt like an hour, but was really thirty minutes, your date had finally gotten a hold of you. 'Can't make it, super busy.' 

A sigh escaped your mouth as you set the phone down, tears brimming in your eyes. The same waiter came back from earlier, her smile dissapearing as she saw the state you were in. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice soft as she put her pen and pad away. 

"My date just stood me up, can I get the check?" "Don't worry about the check sweetheart, you only had a water," the waiter said as she smiled at you, urging you to go before her manager came out onto the floor. 

You thanked her before sneaking a tip onto the table, heading out to your car. 

On your way home, you saw a lively bar. "Why the hell not. I bought a dress, shaved my legs, and put makeup on. I refuse to be stood up by some asshole." You pulled into the packed parking lot and found a place to park closer to the back, near a bus and an RV. 

Before going in, you fixed your makeup and made sure you had some cash. 

As soon as you were let past the bouncer and opened the door, you were hit with a strong smell of alcohol and sweat. You made your way through the crowd and up to the bar, ordering a soda since you still had to drive yourself home. 

You slowly sipped on the soda, laughing at the drunks around you. While you were watching a group of tall guys fail at darts, a beautiful woman sat down next to you and blocked your view. 

"A beer please," she said as the bartender nodded, going off the grab the drink for her. 

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting all alone?" The mystery girl said before thanking the bartender for the beer. "I could say the same for you," you said, finishing off your soda. 

"Well, I'm here with my band and the band I'm touring with but they're all over there," she said pointing over to the group you were watching earlier. "Darts not your thing?" "Not with all those drunk idiots," she said, making you chuckle. 

"Well, if you're really must know why I'm here, I was stood up by some asshole," you said as you turned to look at her fully. 

Your breath caught in your throat when you guys made eye contact. "Why would someone stand you up?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Honestly, I don't know cause I'm pretty fucking amazing," you said as you flipped your hair, making her laugh. 

"How about you come join me and my friends then? I'm sure they wouldn't mind," as she stood up, you decided to follow. "You know, you never told me your name. Mines (Y/N)." "It's lovely to meet you, (Y/N), my name is Carmen." 

After Carmen introduced you to the group of people, the two of you joined Daniel and Sebastian in a game of darts. 

Rosie and Austin looked at each other, shock on Austin's face. "You owe me a drink, told ya she would get her," Rosie said, a smug look on her face. Luis laughed as he watched Rosie lead Austin to the bar, deciding what she wanted to drink. 

A few hours passed, it getting extremely late. "I hate to tell you guys this, but the bar is closing and you all have to leave," a security guard said as he walked over to the group. 

Everyone whined as they all downed the drinks they had before shuffling out of the bar. Carmen walked you to your car, a smile on your face. "Thank you for turning this shitty night into an amazing one," you said as she chuckled. 

"You're more than welcome, love." As you opened your car door, Carmen quickly wrote her number down on a small piece of paper and slipped it into your purse. 

The two of you said goodbye before you turned on the car, Remington screaming goodbye from the bus. Earlier on in the night, he demanded that he give you his number 'because you two were gonna be best fucking friends.' 

You waved to him, telling Carmen goodbye one last time before turning on the car. As you pulled out, Remington was still waving and yelling as Sebastian tried shoving him into the bus. 

By the time you got home, you were exhausted. As you dug through your purse looking for your phone, you saw a loose slip of paper. A smile spread across your face when you saw it was Carmen's number with

'Call me, beautiful'

right above it. 

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