Old! Axl with a Youtuber Girlfriend

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Old! Axl with a YouTuber girlfriend

- Axl is actually your biggest fan

- He watches every single video you put out and he loves all of them

- He straight up made a YouTube account just so he could like, comment, and subscribe

- Forces anyone he can to watch your videos

- One time when he was home from tour, you somehow convinced him to be in a video

- It was a cheesy boyfriend tag

- But at the same time it wasn't cheesy cause ya know, it's Axl fucking Rose

- The fans fucking lost it

- Disappointed but not surprised was the only comment you got on that video

- Other youtubers were shocked

- Shane Dawson probably congratulated you guys

- Jokingly said the two of you should do a couple collab

- It for sure happened and you probably pissed yourself the entire time

- Like yeah, you may be with Axl Rose but holy shit that's Shane Dawson

- Anyways

- Axl loved doing videos occasionally

- The fans for sure wanted a revamp of glam Axl

- And boy did you deliver

- Axl may have hated the video but everyone else probably thought it was the best video you've ever done

- Now I want Axl in drag

- How do I make that happen?? Like

- Ok I'm getting off track again

- He's the most supportive boyfriend ever and loves what you do, even if people hate on it

- He isn't scared to tell someone to fuck off obviously

- "Due to the lame ass background, I'm going home!" dramatically knocks chair over and stomps out of frame

- Wow I'm sorry that was lame

- But try and tell me Axl would do that

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