Remington Leith: Sibling Fight

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Anon Requested: Super angsty & sad Remington imagine with a cute/soft resolution maybe??

Anon Requested: Could you write something based on the latest (I think) episode of Royal Television were Remington and Sebastian are fighting and the reader knows exactly how to calm Remington down and it's cute

"It was one song!" "You've gotta listen to me, it's my fucking voice!" Remington shouted back at his brother. You stayed at the bottom of the stairs, avoiding getting caught in between the two fighting brothers. 

"You gotta fucking listen to me, Sebastian! I'm not doing this shit, I just fucking did ten shows in a row and VIPs every fucking day!" "Then stop talking," Sebastian said, going to storm off. "No, stop making me sing more fucking songs!" 

"Oh what you have to do your fucking job," Sebastian said as he walked off. "You do your fucking job! You didn't do fucking shit you fucking," as Remington hit the wall, his words became mumbled. 

You jumped when the railing came off the wall and Remington stormed out, a sigh escaping your mouth as you decided to go after him. Once you got to the top of the stairs, you saw Luis standing there trying to process what happened. 

"Do you know what way he went?" You asked, Luis nodding and pointing down the back little alley. 

You started walking, eventually coming to a small set of stairs. Before you could see anything else, you noticed a pair of familiar boots, on bouncing up and down rapidly. Your pace quickened, wanted to get to Remington before a fan saw him like this. 

"Rem," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. His head turned to you and you saw the angry tears on his face. A small chuckle escaped your mouth as you sat down next to him, using your thumb to wipe away the majority of them. 

"It's okay Rem, just calm down," you whispered, your voice calm and smooth. You held open your arms and he slumped into them. One hand ran up and down his back while the other played with his hair. 

It was kinda gross since he was getting his sweat all over you, but that wasn't a main priority at the moment. 

After the two of you cuddling and you whispering sweet nothings to him, the boy went from angry and scary tree to soft puppy again. "Do you think Sebastian will forgive me for getting so mad?" "He's your brother, he really doesn't have much of a choice," you said as Remington chuckled. 

"Fair point," Remington said as he sat up. "Eeewwww, you're covered in sweat," Remington said once he finally looked at you again. "Yeah, your sweat Rem and I feel disgusting," a loud laugh escaped the boy. "I mean, it's not the first time," he said with a wink. 

You shot him a look and he started to run away once he saw you getting up from your seat. He laughed as you chased him back to the open door, Luis standing there with a thoughtful look on his face. 

Remington stood next to him, following his gaze to the broken railing. You walked up next to him, him automatically throwing an arm around you. 

"So, since you broke it, you get to fix it! I'm gonna go make sure Sebastian isn't doing anything stupid, good luck!" You quickly placed a kiss on his cheek before ducking under his arm and making your way to find Sebastian. 

"Not fair babe! Not fair!"

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