Emerson Barrett: Sickie

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Anon on Tumblr requested:  hmph. how disappointing that it went to tumblr hell. welp, here does nothing again: some dumb fluffy shit where emerson's sick (considering apparently that happens a lot) and the reader just takes care of him and it's soft and lovely bc you know what? i really miss emerson barrett

*Have the random photo of baby Em I had on my computer*

"I'm so excited to finally be able to hold you again," Emerson said as he smiled into the phone. The two of you had been talking for a while now and you were starting to get excited. There was only a few hours before you had to leave for your flight, but you wanted to spend as much time with Emerson as you could. 

It was obvious he was getting sick, but you knew he wouldn't say anything to you because he didn't want you to worry about him. He knew that if you even thought he was sick, you went into mom mode but he tried to put that off as much as he could. 

The two of you sat on the phone together up until you had to leave for the airport. While you were waiting for the plane to board, the two of you kept texting. 'My god, you two are going to see each other in less than six hours. Chill.' You laughed at the message Remington sent to the two of you in a group chat, but you just ended up talking to the both of them and eventually dragging Sebastian and Daniel into the chat. 

Once the four-hour flight was over, you waited by baggage claim. Of course, you were the only one with a leopard print suitcase, thanks to Sebastian so you'd stop losing your luggage. As you went to grab it, a hand was placed on top of yours. You jumped as the person took the luggage, turning and almost bursting out in tears. 

"Emerson!" You threw your arms around the boy as he chuckled, setting the suitcase down before wrapping his arms around you. "Wow, I love being chopped fucking liver," Remington said as he pouted. You chuckled and Emerson told him to fuck off, causing you to laugh. 

Once you and Emerson separated, he picked your bag back up while you hugged the other boys. "Finally I get my damn hug," Remington mumbled as you wrapped your arms around him.

Throughout the day, you could notice Emerson getting more tired and grouchy as he tried to keep himself busy to distract from the fact he was sick. "Em, just relax," you said as he tried cleaning the bus, holding back the coughing fit he could feel coming along. You huffed as you stood up, the boy still not listening to you. "Follow me now," you demanded as you grabbed his hand. 

Everyone on the bus moved out of your way as you forced the boy to his bunk. "But I don't want to lay dowwwnnnnn, I want to hang out with everyoneeeeee," Emerson whined as you took off his hat and threw it to the closest empty spot. "That sucks, you're laying down anyway because you need to get better." 

You grabbed one of the electrolyte waters they had in the fridge and brought it to him before climbing into the bunk with him. You threw the small blanket over the two of you as he got comfortable, his arms around your waist as his head rested on your stomach. "I hate how you always go into mom mode when I'm sick," Emerson mumbled as he played with the hem of your shirt. 

"You always get better, right?" Emerson chuckled and nodded his head. "Wanna watch a movie?" You asked the tired boy. He nodded his head and you shifted, setting your phone up so the both of you could see it. 

"Sickie gets to pick," you laughed and Emerson flipped you off. 

While the movie played, you ran your hands through his hair. He his arms around you, scared if he let go that you would disappear. The longer you two stayed like this, the harder it was for him to stay awake. You chuckled as he kept dozing off, trying to stay awake so he could spend time with you. 

"Em, it's alright. Go to bed, I'll wake you up if anything happens," you placed a soft kiss to the top of his head as he tried to bury himself further into your side. Soft snores started to escape his mouth and you chuckled. 

You turned off the movie you two were watching and set your phone under the pillow so you would lose it. Without waking Emerson, you shifted into a more comfortable position and put the blanket back over the two of you. You kept running your hands through his hair before eventually passing out with him, hoping he would feel better in the morning. 

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