#9 and 34 with Yungblud

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Requested on Tumblr: Hi, I absolutely love your blog, I was wondering if you could write a yungblud imagine with prompts 9 and 34 thank you

A/N: I hope you all enjoy it bbs~

A smile spread across your face when you opened the door, Dom's face almost covered by a bouquet of flowers. "Can I come in? These are kinda heavy," Dom said as he laughed, you moving out of the way and opening the door as wide as it would go. 

He set them on the table as you shut the door, the smile still on your face. When you turned around, he was right behind you. He pulled you close and placed a light kiss on your lips. "I thought I told you to not get me anything," you said, his smile growing. 

"Yeah, you did and I'm smart enough to know that meant to get you something," he responded, a chuckled escaping your lips.  

"How am I gonna fit all these into a vase?" You asked, playing with one of the flowers. Dom laughed as he wrapped his arms around you. "Mmm, I don't know love. Maybe split them up?" 

You nodded your head then slipped out of his arms and walked into the kitchen. Dom followed and helped you search through the room for a couple of vases. 

"I've found a mug I accidentally stole from a bar and this jug," Dom said as he jumped up from the floor. "Good enough." 

After taking them from him, you filled them up with water and carefully carried them out to the living room. You set them on the coffee table then asked Dom to grab the flowers. The two of you spent about an hour trying to find an arrangement that looked the way you wanted it, not proud of how long you took. 

"Wanna cuddle and watch a movie? Cause now I feel bad that I didn't get you anything," you said as you plopped down on the couch. Dom smiled then sat down next to you, instinctively pulling you into his side. 

"What the bloody hell did you make me just watch?" Dom asked as you laughed and grabbed the remote. "What's wrong with Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?" You asked through your laugh. "God, you're bloody weird," Dom said as he shook his head. 

The two of you stayed in the same spot, playing another movie. 

After the second movie ended, it started to get dark out and Dom decided to head out. "I'll come by the studio tomorrow to bring you lunch, how does that sound?" You asked, wanting to make up for the fact that you didn't get him anything today. 

"That sounds absolutely lovely," he mumbled as he placed a soft kiss against your lips. You walked him over to the door and watched him put on his shoes, a small smile on your face as he almost fell over. 

He opened the door and you stepped closer to him. He pulled you into a light hug and placed another soft kiss on your lips. "Good night love, and if you dream of me, remember I like it rough," he whispered in your ear, causing you to shove him out of the door as he laughed. 

"Bye Dom," you shouted as he continued laughing and walked to his car. 

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