#22 with Yungblud/Dominic Harrison

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Anon requested: 22 with Yungblud please hahaha

A smile spread across your face as you watch Dom jump around stage. He looked so happy as the crowd screamed along with him, feeding off his energy. 

"You were bloody fookin lovely today!" Dom said before running off the stage. Once he saw you, he instantly ran over to you and pulled you into a hug. "Aww, come on! You're all gross and sweaty!" A small giggle escaped his mouth as he placed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. 

"I know ya love meh," he said as he let go, running off to get to his merch tent. 

Adam chuckled as he led you and Michale over to the merch tent. You sat on the ground behind the table as Dom met fans. A small chuckle escaped your mouth when a fan tripped over Dom's foot, immediately apologizing a bunch. 

"Love, it's alright," Dom said as he pulled the fan close, continuing the conversation he was having with her. 

While Dom was meeting fans, you got bored on the ground so you got up and helped with merch. Dom loved it when fans would recognize you and ask for your picture, the pure look of joy on your face making his heart skip a beat. 

"Hey, ya weenie! Get over 'ere, they want to take a picture with the both of us!" Dom said as you handed the small girl her shirt. "What?" You asked Dom, a blank look on your face. 

"I said get over 'ere, they want to take a picture with the both of us," he said again, a small chuckle escaping the fans mouth. "Wait, no. Backtrack, did you or did you not just call me a weenie?" You asked, Dom busting out with laughter while you had a look of disgust on your face. 

"I think he did," the fan said, a smile on their face as you glared at Dom. You walked over and put the fan in the middle, pulling them close while Dom threw his arm around their shoulder. 

"You know, if I'm a weenie then your new nickname is pickle juice precum." Both Dom and the fan bust out laughing before the picture was taken, the entire line confused as to what you just whispered to the two. 

The fan thanked you before walking off, still laughing at what just happened. "Ya know, love, we're the weirdest couple I've ever met," Dom said as the two of you walked back over to the merch table. "I mean, you're one of the weirdest people I've met so," you said as you chuckled, Dom rolling his eyes as he went back to meeting fans while you went back to helping with merch. 

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