#29 with Remington Leith

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Anon requested: #29 with Remington Leith!

(I gave the kids names because I couldn't figure out a way to signify which kid was which)

"Mommy, mommy! Lookie!" Your daughter yelled as she dragged you over to her older brothers. They both had devious looks on their faces as they looked over the huge shelves of toys. 

"Oh god, I don't trust this," you said as you looked at your oldest son. Sid looked over at you with a big smile on his face. "I have an idea for when dad comes home." 

Sid, was the oldest, at the ripe age of 14. Cooper, the middle son, was 9. Ellie, your daughter, is 4. "Spill kid," you said as the four of you huddled into a small group. 

For the next couple of days, you guys prepared for your plans. The kids practiced their aim, Sid being the best, while you worked on cleaning the house. Of course, you put all the breakables in a room, banning the kids from going in their until Remington was home. 

"We have t-minus ten minutes until they get here!" You shouted through the house, all the kids getting excited. Sid led Ellie to their hiding spot while you hid Cooper. 

"They're pulling in, I'll send the target in alone!" You shouted before opening the door, excitement taking over. 

"Welcome home," you said as Remington pulled you into a hug, his brothers shuffling out of the car. Remington placed a small kiss on your forehead before confusion took over his features. "Where are the kids?" 

"Oh! They planned a suprise for you and didn't want me to know, so they're waiting inside for you," you said, playing it off like you didn't know what was going on and didn't put way too much money into this. 

When Sebastian and Emerson went to follow him, you stopped them and shook your head. "Just wait, I wouldn't want to be caught up in that." Both looked at you confused until they heard the screaming and laughing, Remington running out before slamming the door shut. 

"The kids, they ambushed me." 

You laughed as you saw the look of terror on your husband's face, his breathing heavy. 

Sid ran out, the other two in tow. He threw you one of the nerf guns before they all started to target Emerson and Sebastian. "Ha! Suck a dick!" You shouted as you shot Sebastian in the crotch, laughing as he gave up and laid on the ground. 

Ellie ran over to him and jumped on top of him. "Doggy pile!" She shouted, causing the other three boys to turn to them. "Dog pile!" They all yelled, Ellie jumping off before Emerson jumped on top of his brother, the other two boys jumping on top. 

"So, are you glad to be home guys?" You asked as you walked over to the pile of people, Ellie sitting on the very top of it. "Overjoyed to be back," Sebastian said as he laid on the bottom of the pile. Remington chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you. 

"Thanks for letting them do that, you guys get to clean up all the little nerf things." "Worth it."

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