Mick Mars: Hold This

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You smiled at the baby as your best friend sat next to you, keeping an eye out for the luggage. "I know, you get to meet daddy soon," you said to her as she kept grabbing at your hands and looking at everything with wide eyes. "Hey sexy momma, our chauffeur is here," (Y/B/F) said as she handed you your suitcase.

When you went to carry the baby and the luggage, your suitcase was taken out of your hands and you were met with a smiling Nikki. "I'll wait till we get in the car to gush over the baby, Tommy you get to drive so I can gush over the baby!" "But I wanted to gush over the baby!" "That sucks, I already called it." "Sometimes I hate you Sixx and I hope you know that," Tommy mumbled as he helped (Y/B/F) with their luggage.

You laughed as the baby looked at the two men in amazement, reaching out to play with Nikki's flowy shirt.

When you got in the car, you and Nikki took the back while Tommy and (Y/B/F) took the front. Nikki instantly started playing the the baby as she sat in the car seat, the biggest smile on his face. "How did something so cute and innocent come from someone like you and Mick? Like, it doesn't make sense," (Y/B/F) hit Tommy's arm and you laughed, flipping him off.

You eventually rested your head on the cool window, watching the morning rush of people with tired eyes as you finally got a small break from the child. It didn't take you long to pass out, everyone in the car going silent so you could catch up on sleep.

"Oh god, I don't want to wake her what if she kills me?" "Tommy, you'll be fine, just wake her up." As you slowly got used to the bright day light, Nikki was the first to notice you were up. "Good morning sleeping beauty," he said with a chuckle, motioning for you to wipe the drool off your face.

As you all piled out of the car, you started to get nervous. What if Mick got upset? What if Mick didn't want to see y-"Okay, I know what's going through your head and you need to ignore it. Mick won't shut up about how excited he is to see the two of you alright, just relax," Nikki said as he and Tommy grabbed all the luggage and led the two of you into the hotel.

Once you had made it through the lobby and to Mick's room, Nikki knocked on the door. A sleepy Mick opened it and walked over to the table, grabbing his medicine and taking it with a bottle of water. You had followed behind Nikki, watching as Tommy set your luggage down before everyone else filed into the room.

Mick was facing away from you guys as the other boys started talking, still not realizing you were there. "Hey, can you hold this for me for a second?" You asked as you walked up to Mick, Mick instantly turning around.

Tears started forming in his eyes as soon as he registered what was happening. He held out his arms, taking the baby from you as you tried to wipe away your own tears. "Oh my god, she's beautiful," Mick whispered as he stared into the babies bright eyes.

Mick held her with one arm and pulled you close to him with the other, placing a kiss on your cheek before he went back to looking at the baby. "So, are we all gonna go out for breakfast or should we do room service?" Tommy asked, causing the small group around him to laugh.

"Fuck off drummer, I'm busy," Mick said as he dragged you to the bed, still holding the baby. "She's also busy, so don't even ask," Mick added, forcing you to lay down and try to get some sleep.

"Guys, let's leave them alone. If they're hungry, they can get their own food," Vince said as he tried to push everyone out of the room. "Fine, but I still want my turn to gush over the baby later!" "You aren't touching my daughter with your gross drummer hands!" Mick said as they were walking out the door, Vince closing it before Tommy could argue.

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