#34 with Emerson Barrett

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Alexandria0599 requested: Could you do #34 for Emerson?

A/N: I hope you like it!!

"Are you excited for today, babe?" Emerson asked over FaceTime as you sat at your vanity. A shaky sigh escaped your mouth as you laid out your makeup. 

"Honestly, I'm fucking terrified. Like, I've had this pit in my stomach for about a week now." Emerson chuckled as he shook his head. "You'll do great baby, I'm sure they'll love you and your photos will look amazing," he tried to reassure you, but you were still scared. 

It was your first time modeling for the company and you were beyond scared. "Wait! Are you talking to (Y/N)? I wanna say hi! God, move your flat ass, Sebastian! I want to say hi!" You laughed as you heard Remington and Sebastian start a mini argument, Emerson shaking his head at his brothers. 

"Hi, (Y/N)! You're gonna do great at your shoot today! And if they say they don't like you, I'll fight them." Another laugh escaped your mouth as you said hi to Remington. You and him were best friends before Emerson asked you out, and not much has changed since. 

You and Emerson talked for a bit longer, finally hanging up when it was time for you to leave. 

As you drove through LA traffic, a groan escaped your mouth. "I swear, if I'm fucking late." 

A sigh of relief escaped your mouth once the HotTopic sign came into view. "I'm so glad I've made it to this level of emo," you said to yourself as you sent Emerson a quick text to let him know you made it safely, per his request. 

You went up to the front desk and signed in, letting the lady lead you through the building. Your eyes were wide as you took everything in, reminding yourself to text the boys and tell them how cool it was. 

"Are you excited?" The wardrobe girl asked as she handed you an outfit, a smile on her face. "More than I should be, 15 year old me is freaking out right now," you said as you went into the little side room, changing into the outfit. 

You joked around with the team you were working with, all of you getting along surprisingly well. A few of the other models quickly became your friends, all of you planning on meeting up for lunch sometime later in the week to get to know each other better.   

The day went by quickly, all of you having a good time. 

"I'll see you later!" Casandra, the girl from wardrobe, said as you found your way to your car. You waved behind you before getting in, a tired sigh escaping your mouth. 

Before pulling out of the parking lot, you called Emerson and put the phone on speaker. He answered almost immediately, his giggle being the first thing you heard. "So, how was it?" He asked as you started to drive back towards your apartment. 

"It was good actually, some of the girls that I worked with invited me to lunch later this week, so that's fun." 

"Oh come on asshole! It's stop and go traffic, you aren't gonna get very fucking far!" You yelled, flipping off the guy who cut you off and almost hit your car. "Well someone's angry," Emerson said as he giggled at you. "Well, that dude almost hit my fucking car," you said, still angry. 

"How about you get home, then call me back?" Emerson suggested, not wanting to hear you yell at people anymore. "Okay, I love you." "I love you too baby," Emerson said before he ended the call. 

After what felt like an hour, you finally pulled into the parking garage. You found a place to park then made your way to your apartment. 

Before you called Emerson back, you took off all your makeup and changed into pajamas. You laid down in bed, covering yourself with the blankets, getting comfortable even though Emerson wasn't there to cuddle you. 

Once you were comfortable, you opened up FaceTime and clicked on Emerson's name. After a few rings, he picked up. He greeted you with a sleepy smile and a yawn. "Did I wake you up?" You asked, feeling bad. 

"No, I just laid down while I waited for you to call," he said, propping his phone up on the inside of his bunk. "You look tired," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Is that your way of saying I look bad?" You asked,a smile on your face. 

Emerson rolled his eyes before he continued to talk, telling you about the tour. 

After staying on the phone for an hour, you kept yawning. "Baby, go to bed. If I get lonely I'll go cuddle with Luis," you chuckled as Luis laughed, instantly saying no. "Alright love, goodnight." 

"Goodnight, and if you dream of me, remember I like it rough," Emerson said, winking at you. You rolled your eyes as you saw someone throw a pillow at Emerson's bunk, a loud laugh escaping the boy. 

You said goodnight one last time before hanging, putting the phone on your nightstand. You pulled the blankets up over your shoulder and cuddled into Emerson's pillows, the soft smell of him slowly putting you to sleep. 

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