Maxx Danziger: Bad Idea

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Anon on Tumblr requested: I'm the one who asked if you wrote for Set It Off so I was wondering if you could write something angsty and fluffy with Maxx please

You sighed as you looked at the text from your friend. Shay wanted you to go out with her, her boyfriend Cody and his bandmate, Maxx. After staring at your phone for a couple minutes, you texted her back letting her know you couldn't wait to see them. 

After spending some time getting ready, you quickly threw a jacket over your outfit and left your apartment. The drive to their house was short, the traffic making it seem much worse than it actually was. 

Once you got there, you were greeted at their door by her and Mateo. "Hi little buddy," you said, picking up the small dog as he wiggled in excitement. Shay pulled you into a quick hug before looking at you. "Not doing so well since the split, huh?" She asked, you forcing out a small chuckle. 

"You know, I'll be okay. I'll be fine. They're happy and that's all that matters. I just want them to be happy and I'm happy for them." Cody laughed as he came up behind Shay, saying hi. You set Mateo down once the door was shut, noticing the cute boy on the couch. 

"Maxx, this is my friend (Y/N). The sad one who likes to think they're edgy." "Oh wow, thank you for the stellar introduction, asshole," you said, bumping her shoulder. She laughed before excusing herself for a minute. 

You said hi to Maxx, sensing he was a little uncomfortable so you sat down on the floor and started playing with Mateo. 

"We're just waiting for prINCESS TO FINISH GETTING READY!" Shay said as she walked back into the main room, you and Maxx laughing as Cody told her to fuck off. "TELL ME TO FUCK OFF AGAIN AND I'LL FUCK YOU UP BOY!" Shay yelled back, not getting a response. 

"How much do you pay him to put up with you?" You asked, Shay flipping you off. You laughed and continued playing with the small dog. 

After a couple more minutes of you all waiting, Cody finally walked out. "Jesus, Cody, how much cologne did you put on?" You asked, getting hit by a whiff of cologne. "A sensible amount." "Mhm, sure." 

As you were all getting in the car, you and Maxx were forced into the back together. During the entire ride to the amusement park, you two started bonding. You were making fun of the couple up front, the two oblivious to what you two were doing. 

Once you arrived at the amusement park, all of you went to get dinner and drinks. After you all ate and the boys started drinking, you decided to get on a few rides. 

"I feel like this is a bad idea," you mumbled to Shay as the boys threw out their cups before choosing one of the biggest rides. "Oh yeah, for sure," she said, deciding to stay off the ride in case the did throw up. 

By the time the ride was over, the alcohol finally hit the boys and they got beyond dizzy. Maxx stumbled over to you guys, tripping over his feet and landing right in front of you while Cody landed on Shay. 

"Oh shit! Are you okay?" You asked, trying not to laugh. He looked up at you, a stupid smile on her face. "I think this is what happens when you fall for someone," he said, giggling. You shook your head and helped him up.

Shay smiled at the two of you, her plan on forcing you two together working. "Our plan worked," Shay whisper yelled at Cody, the slightly tipsy man smiled and cheered. The two high-fived as you found a bench for Maxx to sit on, rubbing his back as he threw up into the trash can next to it. 

"Maybe next time don't each greasy food and drink beer before getting on a ride," you said as Maxx flipped you off, still dry heaving into the can. 

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