Remington Leith: Anonymous

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Anon requested: can i request a remington imagine??? in which he tries to anonymously admit his crush to the reader via a song dedications thing on twitter or tumblr anon but fucks up and it ends up Not being anonymous? i feel like it could be v cute

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short but I didn't really know how to do this one honestly. I hope you enjoy it anyways~~

Remington sighed as his hands shook, trying to type the words correctly. He had almost reached his character limit, his nerves almost causing him to back out of doing it. "You got this Remington, plus it's going to be on anonymous anyways. They aren't going to know it's you," he mumbled to himself in reassurance. 

Finally, he built up the courage to hit the ask button and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Alright, time to keep myself busy so I don't check their blog every ten seconds," Remington said befor throwing his phone down on his bed and walking to the kitchen. Emerson was drawing on the table so he decided to watch, trying to pass some time. 

"Hi," Emerson mumbled as he finally noticed Remington, setting his pencil down and looking at his brother. "Why do you look nervous?" "Cause I admited my feelings to someone." "Did you actually? Or is it on anonymous or some shit?" "Okay, you don't need to call me out like's on anonymous." Emerson giggled before picking up his pencil again, going back to his drawing. 

"You're never gonna get someone if you keep hiding behind your screen," Emerson pointed out, causing Remington to groan before going back to his room. "Sometimes I hate that you're so smart!" Remington shouted as he walked up the stairs. 

When he got back into his room, he instantly grabbed his phone and turned on the screen. His heart started to race when he saw he had a Tumblr notification, his mind going through all sorts of scenarios. 

An inaudible screech came out of his mouth when he saw it was a notification from you, his @ in the preview. He clicked on it with shaky hands, tears threatening to spill when he saw his confession wasn't on anonymous. 

@ remingtonleith message me cutie <3

He quickly shut his phone off before throwing it to the other side of the bed, instantly changing his mind and grabbing it. He opened Tumblr back up, going to your profile and starting a message. 

Hey, please don't think that the message from earlier was weird or anything I just didn't know how to tell you and I honestly thought it was on anon -Remington

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