Old Axl! Headcanon/Imagine

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hello friends, so I did this based on the end of gender reveal headcanon I posted a couple days ago. Let me know what you think~


-this idea stemmed from Axl being forced into a gender reveal party

-but like

-Axl going baby shopping with his pregnant af girlfriend/wife is the cutest shit ever

-he'd be so amazed at how small some of the clothes are

-he'd also be amazed at how expensive they were for something the small child was going to shit in a couple of times then outgrow

-but you wanted to buy it so he wasn't going to question it

-every time you held up a big fluffy, pink tutu you could visibly see him cringe but he didn't dare tell you no

-at one point you were sure you heard him cry as he looked at the little boy clothes

-oh how desperately he wanted to have a little boy but life doesn't always give you what you want

-don't let him fool you though

-you were looking at little baby shoes and found the cutest boots with buckles and small studs

-never in your life had you seen him fall in love with a pair of boots like he did then

-there was another couple shopping for baby clothes, the guy was wearing a Twisted Sister shirt

-you pointed it out and dragged Axl over with you, planning on complimenting him and you wanted to look at the different baby blankets and swaddles they were standing by

-his eyes got so wide when he saw Axl, his wife also started to freak out

-"I know this is the weirdest place to ask for a picture, but can we please have a picture?"

-Axl agreed and you chuckled at the small crowd that was watching you take pictures of the Axl Rose in a fucking baby store

-back to baby shopping with Axl

-"Listen, babe, I know I found it in the boy's section but look at how fucking cute the dinosaurs are." "Axl, you can get whatever you want it's your money, but please don't cuss in front of the toddlers." "Fuck the toddlers." "Axl! Ma'am, I am so sorry, he's just a little grouchy today." 

-Axl looked at a child and it actually started crying

-while you were laughing your ass off, Axl didn't find it very funny

-the dad kept apologizing while the mother was trying to calm it down, trying not to laugh

-"Are these baby straight jackets?" Axl asked, holding up a fancy swaddle

-all you did was shake your head and walk over to the car seats

-"Babe, why would you need a breast pump when you have me?" "Nope, definitely not how that works please put the breast pump back in the cart." 

-by the time you were done shopping, the cashier was scared to tell you how much you spent and Axl was struggling to try and carry everything because "you're pregnant so you shouldn't have to carry anything"


Axl was a little abrasive about going into the baby store, but you were so excited he didn't have the heart to tell you no. "Axl, just park in the spot for expecting mothers. I count as an expecting mother," you said, motioning down to your stomach. 

"I just- I feel like it's cheating." You rolled your eyes as Axl finally found a parking spot, going on about how he felt like it was cheating. 

"Alright, are you ready for this? Cause it's a lot," you asked Axl, grabbing his hand as you got to the sliding doors. He nodded his head and motioned for you to lead the way. 

When you got into the building, he stopped walking and you heard a quiet holy shit from his direction. The lady at the register giggled as she greeted the two of you, remembering you from when you were there earlier in the week. "I see you brought the wallet this time," she said, making you laugh. 

"Yeah, I figured if I'm gonna get anything I should have his approval." "Well, if you need any help just let me know," she said before walking back over to the register, ringing up a customer. 

Axl followed you over to the racks upon racks of clothes, pushing the cart you asked him to grab. He watched in awe as you picked up all sorts of tiny clothes, his mind not wrapping around the fact that babies are so tiny. 

A gasp escaped your mouth and he instantly went into panic mode, almost dropping the couple dresses he was holding. When he turned around, he saw your watery eyes as you held up a Halloween tutu set with matching socks and a headband. "Can we please?" You asked, tears still threatening to spill from your eyes.

"Are you really about to cry over it?" "It's so cute, how are you not crying over it?" Axl just shook his head as he grabbed it from you and put it in the kart. He pulled you close and placed a kiss on your forehead, trying to get you to stop crying over a tutu. 

The two of you took a break from the baby clothes, making your way into the maternity clothes section. You looked at the pants, grabbing a pair in your size as Axl looked around. When you turned to place the pants and shorts you found in the kart, you saw Axl holding up a breastfeeding bra. 

"I think it's a little nippley in here," you rolled your eyes as Axl laughed at his own joke, turning back around to put the bra up. He waited a couple minutes before getting you attention again, now holding up a different bra with buckles on the straps. "Hey babe, easy access." "You know, sometimes I hate you." 

Axl laughed as he put the bra up, following you as you walked away from the maternity clothes and over to the cribs and bouncers. "You know, it's still hard to believe I'm gonna be a dad," Axl whispered into your ear as he wrapped his arms around your stomach from behind. You sunk into him as the two of you looked at all the different decorations and furniture. 

"You're gonna be a great dad, babe," you replied, turning around to place a kiss on his cheek. "I love you so much, now, we should probably get out of here before I spend too much money," Axl laughed as he let go and started pushing the kart to the register, shaking his head when you got sidetracked by the clearance section. 

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