Emerson Barrett: Honey

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Requested by gaybandnerd  

A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this! I loved writing it so much! I hope you enjoy it~

Your mother sighed as you sat in the front seat, blasting your father's band through the speaker. You sang along as she continued driving, not super excited for what you had planned. 

It was your father's birthday and you really wanted to surprise him for it. Of course, you couldn't do it alone so you got a hold of your favorite uncles. "Are you excited?" Your mom asked as she turned down the radio, moving her sunglasses to the top of her head. 

"Yeah, I'm way too excited to see all of them. I hope Uncle Rem and Uncle Seb didn't spill my idea," you said, joy taking over your face. Your mother smiled over at you, and you turned the radio back up. 

A few hours passed and you finally arrived at the venue. You messaged Remington and ran up to him once he opened the door, his arms instantly wrapping around you as you ran into his body. "Okay, before we do anything I have to pee really bad," you said, Remington laughing before leading you to the bus. Your mom stayed right behind you the whole time, not wanting you to be left alone. 

Remington led you through the bus then shut the door when you were finally in the bathroom. 

"Okay,  I'm gonna hide you here and don't come out until I get you. Okay?" Sebastian said as he hid you behind the guitar case. You nodded and gave him a thumbs up, going back onto the stage with a different guitar. 

It was difficult to not jump around and sing along while you were hiding, Remington glancing over at you every once in a while. "So, it's time for the last song of the night. I'm gonna need a little help with this one," Remington said into the mic before he set it back on the stand. 

He walked over to where you were, Sebastian covered Emerson's eyes. "Shhh," Remington said into the mic, Luiz taking Sebastian's place. 

When the song started, everyone freaked out and you were handed a mic. Remington started out the song, the crowd singing along. 

"Well I see I see

You dancing tonight
Under under
His street light
Well I see I see
You drifting away from me

A gasp escaped Emerson's mouth once he heard your voice, Luis taking his hand away. You continued the song with Remington, Emerson tearing up as he sat on near his drum kit. Everyone in the crowd held their lights up, Luis recording the entire song. 

By the time it was over, Emerson was full on crying and you rushed over to him. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, you doing the same to him. All the boys on stage tried to hold back their emotions as they watched Emerson practically crumble. 

"Thank you all so much for coming out. We are Palaye Royale," Remington said into the mic before he walked over to the two of you, leading you guys off stage. 

"That was so good," Emerson said as he wiped away some of his tears. You chuckled and pulled your sleeve of your hand, stretching up to wipe some more away. Everyone gave the two of you some room so you could talk, not wanting to be in the way. 

Emerson smiled down at you as you wrapped your arms around him, the shock from stage finally wearing off as a few tears started to slip from your eyes. He gently wrapped his arms around you again. "You know, I missed you those four years. When you started missing my calls it really hurt. Like really hurt," you mumbled into his chest, Emerson's guilt coming back. 

"I know, honey. And it ate me alive every day. It's just been so hectic these four years. I promise that's never going to happen again. Soon enough you'll wish I would leave you alone," Emerson said as he giggled to himself, you smiling at his words. "I'd never wish for that. Maybe for Uncle Rem to leave me alone, but never you." 

"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Remington yelled from further down the hall, cause you to bust into laughter. When you let go of Emerson, you saw Remington pouting at the end of the hall, his arms crossed over his chest. You quickly ran to him and threw your self into him, wrapping him in a tight hug. 

"I was just kidding! We all know you're my favorite uncle," you said, Remington cheering. "Fair enough," Sebastian mumbled as he took a swig from his bottle. Curcio laughed as he wrapped his arms around Sebastian. "You know you'll always be my favorite uncle, don't worry," Curcio slurred, making everyone laugh. 

You kept your arms around Remington, scared to let go in case they disappear. "So, do you think I could convince mom to let me tour with you guys?" 

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