"So are you mama. And I hope Lena and I can have a wonderful marriage like you and Debbie."

" You have a wonderful marriage honey and I have to say Debbie is a tough ass. She comes off sweet but if I act up she has my head."

"Ha! Sounds familiar."

"I bet it does. I see so much of Debbie in Lena. She's a beautiful woman honey. Treat her like gold."

"I will."

"I know sweetheart. I know. SO how about we head on home. Unless you want to stay a bit more?"

"No. I'm good. I saw what I needed to see."

"You sure honey?"

"Positive mama. Lets head back home."

"Alright my love." Unlocking their hands  Stef walked to the passenger side of the car but not without looking back at the now demolished trailer park as her mind once again drifted into the past.


Stef 12 years old 

"Come on don't be a chicken baby Di. Just climb up."

"I'm not a chicken baby but it's really high up Stef. I could fall and get hurt." Diane said as the blonde held her hand out and leaning over the side of the trailer. However, she could see how scared Diane was and tried to reassure her the best she could. 

"I promise I won't let you fall Di. I promise. Now take my hand."

"It's high Stef. I'm scared." Seeing how afraid the girl was the young blonde climbed down a bit on the trailer ladder.

"Hold onto me. Ok? I got you. Hold onto my belt loops."

"Ok but slowly. Ok?"

"Ok I will just take your time." As the young blonde made it up the ladder again with Diane holding on tight to her she was so excited to show the girl she liked so much what she had done. It had taken her weeks to get it together but she finally had thanks to all the bottles she collected and the money she was able to save from stealing and selling Sharon's cigarettes. Pulling the girl up on the roof of the trailer Diane stood so close to Stef as the little blonde could only smile. "Look behind you Di. Tell me if you like it."

Turning around the light skin girl saw popcorn bowls with soda pop laid out on top of a blanket. There was even a little glass with a yellow  flower in it. Turning to look at the blonde again Diane smiled so wide as her hand remained inside the blondes.

"Stef you, you did this?"

"Yeah come on. It's our date. The movie will start soon."

"A movie?"

"Yeah. It's a good one too. I got you some soda pop. Dr. Pepper."

"Thanks. That is really nice." Helping the girl sit Stef continued to smile as she made sure Diane was comfortable. 

"Are you cold. Do you need a sweater?"

"It's a little chilly but I'm ok."

"I got it."Taking her town sweatshirt off she placed it around Diane's shoulders. "Is that better?"

"Yes thank you." Smiling shyly at the blonde Stef kissed her cheek as the light skin girl blushed. "Stef?"


"Well, am I your girlfriend?"

"Of course. I told you that silly. That's why I gave you that ring. I know it's not real but still."

"But, well what if you find someone else you like better then me one day. You know when we get older?"

"That shit is not happening Di. I don't like anyone the way I like you. You are my favorite person. You are my best friend, and you are my home. It's true."

"You are too Stef to me. You are my home. Can we get married?"

"Yes. We already are." Stef said smiling wide as Diane grew shy once again. "Hey don't be shy. Diane Gray will you marry me?" She said softly stroking the girls cheek. 

"Here silly? On top of the trailer?"

"Yeah why not."

"Ok. I will marry you Stef Foster."

"Now you are Diane Foster and one day you will be for real and one day I'll get you super nice ring. Like a diamond when we get out of this shit hole. I promise."

"I believe you."

"Good now lets watch the movie and start our date."

"Ok." Resting her head on the blondes shoulders the two young kids comforted each other just like they did for most of their adult life.


Snapping back into the present Stef smiled warmly at the memory as she hopped into her aunts SUV realizing she had finally found the home she had been looking for her entire life. A home she had built from friendship, pain, memories and love. A home no one could ever take no matter what. Maybe life didn't turn out the way she thought it would but in any event it turned out just how it was supposed to and for that reason alone she was happy. For it turned out better.



Thank you for reading this series! It was great to write and I will miss it so much! If I do write a 4th book what would you all want to see?

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