Finding Home

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"Hey babygirl you ok?" The younger blonde soon heard as Aunt Fran stood beside her knocking Stef out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Thinking?" She asked grabbing the younger blondes hand as Stef held it back watching the bulldozers tear down the trailer park she had lived in with Sharon and where she met Diane. Everything in her life had happened for a reason she now thought no matter how painful, no matter how heartbreaking and no matter how traumatizing. It was meant to be. Deep inside she would forever love Sharon even if the woman had mistreated her horribly the blonde believed she might have loved her. Even if it was just a tiny bit. It wasn't often but there were maybe one or two times Sharon had been kind to her. It was those times she tried so hard to remember and keep close to her no matter how hard it could be at times.

"A bit."

"MM understandable. You know you came so far baby. You have and it's been hard to face your past."

"Very. At some points I didn't think I'd make it, and I didn't think I'd ever get out of this place. Felt like a jail at the time."

"But you did. You were strong willed, always were and so are your children. Baby, you always knew you wanted better and a better life. You knew it was out there and you went and got it."

"Only because you showed it to me. That's why I knew mama. You showed me what love was, you showed me happiness, you showed me what a home is. You still do." Holding her aunts hand even tighter Fran squeezed it back as both felt tears fall.

"You were very easy to love baby, and you were the little girl I always wanted. I knew I would never have my own children but you were. You always were and I wish I could have taken you when you were born and kept you. I did what I could. I hope you know that."

"I know you did. Maybe for years I was angry for various reasons but I know you did. You think Sharon did the best she could? I mean you think she just couldn't do any better?"

"I think so. I think there was a part of her that did love you. Not the way you needed by any means but at times it was there. She just..

"She couldn't get it together. I know. And she had alot of her own issues."

"She did and if I'm honest with you I was angry at her for many reasons myself. I was angry that she could have children and I couldn't."


"I was. I was envious, and jealous of that fact because I loved you so much and it was so easy for me to love you, to take care of you that I didn't understand why it wasn't me who had you. But life is funny like that honey. It just is and things happen for a reason."

"I didn't know you dealt with that mama. I mean I did go around telling people you were my mother, and we always looked alike."

"I know it." She said continuing to hold the woman's hand. "We always looked alike and I knew you went around saying that. I understood why."

"Because you were. Both you and Debbie were always and you gave me one of the best times in my childhood. I probably would not have done half the things I did as a pre teen."

"Well maybe, maybe not. You always had a little rebellious side in you." The older blonde said laughing as Stef did as well.

"This is true."

"And that's ok. You turned out beautifully."

"Only took 50 years."

"Hey it takes how long it takes. That's ok honey. You are still an amazing person."

Finding Home (The Affair Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now