~ Chapter 43 ~

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Everything but the boy who's lips are pressed against mine, vanishes.

My hands find their way to his hair and his rest on my waist, pulling me towards him.

As the amount of air in my lungs diminishes, the amount of thoughts in my mind grows.

Thoughts that I always knew were there but I have always fought against.

Thoughts that tell me my true feelings for Cash but I have always refused to face, until now.

Cash's lips leave mine as my lungs scream for air. He rests his forehead against mine.

A small smile plays on his lips which I know mirrors mine.

He opens his mouth to say something but he is cut off by wolf whistles and cheers, causing us to be snapped back to reality.

Turning to the side, we see our friends cheering.

"It's about time." Sterling claps from behind me.

"Oh gosh." I close my eyes and lean my head against Cash's chest, praying the earth would swallow me. His hammering heart reminds me of my heart and the thoughts that we're running through my mind.

"Hey." Cash says quietly. I try and shove those thoughts away and look up to meet his shining eyes. "At least they'll stop bugging us."


"Yeah, they were teasing me, too."

I stare at him, my thoughts jumbling together.

"But," He quickly adds, "That isn't the reason I talked to you about my past. Everything, about my feelings for you and wanting to see where everything goes, that all wasn't because they were pressuring me, that was all my - "

"It's okay." I place my hand on his arm, my mind exploding with him saying he has feelings for me and my realization of the same. His expression relaxes and I continue, "Let's just get out of this mud."

He chuckles and grabs my hand, "Okay."

"But this time, no falling." I give him a stern look but he just laughs.

Once I'm on more stable ground that isn't slippery mud, Cash gets the towline from Sterling's ATV and hooks it onto his. After a few tries and the boys getting almost completely covered in mud, they bring in a truck to tow it out instead.

All the while, my mind buzzes with all this new information and what it all means, especially my new feelings for him.

I'd liked guys before and I've had boyfriends before but something about these feelings for Cash scares me. Everything about Cash is new and different but at the same time, I want to jump into it head first without a second thought, and that is what makes it scary.

As soon as the ATV is out of the mud, everyone cheers.

Cash looks at me, a smirk on his face, "Want to go again?"

"You can't be serious." I deadpan, "He isn't serious?" I ask Sue who nods.

"I'm serious!" Cash grabs my hand, "Lets go!"

"But you just got it unstuck!" I point out, letting myself be lead back to the ATV.

Suddenly, Cash stops and turns to me, "I'm going to get really deep with this but bear with me." I quirk an eyebrow but keep my mouth closed. He continues, "When you get stuck in life, you fight and fight and finally make it out, right?" I nod, "After you get out, do you just sit out and not participate in life anymore?" Smiling, I shake my head, knowing where he was going. "That's right." He smiles back, touching my nose with his finger, "You keep riding. So now, your highness, your carriage awaits." He moves aside and shows me the ATV.

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