~ Chapter 38 ~

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All conversation around us stops at the mention of my old home.

"You want to go dress shopping in New York?" Sue practically yells.

"Where else am I supposed to go?" I say matter of factly.

"There's plenty of great shops here!" Frankie adds.

I sigh, "I only have three days to find the perfect dress for formal. I want to make sure I find it so the only obvious answer to this is New York."

"You can't be serious." Sue deadpans.

"I'm completely serious. My mom and I are going to New York tomorrow to go dress shopping and you girls are more than welcome to come along."

Before anyone can reply, the bell rings, stopping all conversation.

"Talk to your parents and let me know!" I say before disappearing into the crowd.

I weave in and out of the other students that rush to get their classes. Just as I reach my class, Frankie catches up. "Do you really mean about going to New York just for a dress?"

I bite back a sigh as thoughts of 'not fitting in' sink in. Determined not to let them set, I turn to Frankie as we sit down.

"Listen, Frankie. When have I ever joked about something like this?" She stays silent so I continue my little rant. "My mom and I are going to New York to buy me a dress for formal. It's what is normal for us. I know it isn't normal for you or Sue but I'm inviting you anyways. If you don't want to come, then just say so."

Frankie looks up from her desk, her eyes filled with regret, "I'm so sorry, Liberty. I didn't mean it like that. It's just - "

I cut her off, knowing where she was going since I've already heard it, "No one has ever talked about doing something so extravagant like it was so normal."

"Pretty much." She gives a shy smile.

The teacher walks in as I nod, "Talk to your parents and let me know." I whisper just as the teacher begins class.


"Hello, your highness."

I turn to see Cash leaning on the locker next to mine, just like I have seen him many times before. His eyes shine as an easy smirk stretches across his lips.

"Hey Cowboy." I return his smirk, remembering the nickname I had given him the first time I went to his house.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I already told you, I'm not a cowboy." 

I shrug, "To a city girl, it's all the same thing." 

"So you've told me." He pushes off the locker and I slam mine shut. 

We both start walking towards the cafeteria, our steps matching. His arm brushes against my shoulder and I can't help the fluttery feeling that fills my stomach. 

The urge to reach over and wrap his hand in mine overwhelms me and before I can do anything to stop myself, I find my hand wrapping itself around his. 

I cringe and force myself to not pull my hand away, knowing it is too late. 

Shock and butteries fill me as Cash adjusts our hands, wrapping mine up in his. 

I look up to find him smiling a goofy smile at me. I fight the urge to return it but I know I fail as my cheeks stretch to match his. 

We walk into the cafeteria hand in hand. I notice some people stare but I don't care. Grabbing our food, I half expect Cash to let go of my hand to hold onto his tray but he doesn't and my smile grows at the gesture. 

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