~ Chapter 9 ~

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A voice calls out to me but I ignore it. Sleep is much more important.

"You're going to be late for school." The voice calls out again.

I ignore it. Who needs school anyways.

"I brought you breakfast."

My interest is peaked, "Breakfast?" I mumble.

"Mhm, blueberry waffles with whip cream and bacon." My mom explains.

The smell of bacon fills my senses and soon, my love for food, and bacon, betrays me and I am up. 

"Thanks Mom!" I say, taking the first bite.

"You're welcome, Sweetie. Classes start at 8:15 so try and be there at 8. It's 7 right now." Mom explains, walking towards my door.

I nod, taking another bite, "Sounds good."

"Oh, one more thing." Mom stops and turns in the door way. "I talked to both your new principal and the cheer coach and they both agreed to let you try out for the cheer team."

I drop my fork and slowly turn to look at my Mom who is giving me a hopeful smile. 

"I'm sorry...what?"

"The cheer team, like back at Dobbs." Mom's face immediately becomes worried, "I thought this would make you happy. I thought you loved cheer."

I cut her off before she continues, "I do. I love cheer. I just - when we left Dobbs, I hadn't thought about the possibility of cheering again. It's just a shock, just give me a moment."

Cheering again? I love cheer and it would be great to do it but I probably wouldn't be cheer captain and I worked so hard for that last year. I - I should do this. This will be good for me.

"I'll do it." I look up and find mom smiling at me again.

"I'm so glad! It'll be great to see you cheer again!" She turns and walks out of the room and my heart swells.

I never knew seeing me cheer made my mom happy. I just thought they went to see me because they were my parents but now, I'm glad I chose to try out.

Try out.

Goodness. I haven't tried out for the team since sophomore year when I tried out for varsity. 

Butterflies burst into action and suddenly, I'm very hungry anymore.

I look down at my half eaten breakfast then glance at the clock.


My eyes grow wide and I leap out of bed and into the shower.

Quickly, I wash my hair and give my body a quick rinse. 

Getting out, I dry my hair and beginning curling it into beachy waves.

I keep my makeup light with bold eyeliner and highlighter in just the right places, giving myself a natural glow.

Running over to my closet, I grab the outfit I had picked out and slip it on.

I glance at myself and nod in approval.

I am wearing white, cropped, ripped skinny jeans with a burgundy wide necked sweater that falls off my shoulder paired with my Louis Vuitton heels. It is simple but I figure it will do the trick.

Stepping back into my bedroom, I grab my purse that doubles as a backpack and walk downstairs.

Glancing at my phone for the time, I see multiple text messages.

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