~ Chapter 6 ~

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I rub the sleep from my eyes as the morning sunshine streams through the window. I glance around, orienting myself as I wake from sleep.

Attempting to sit up, I realize that I can't.

I look down to find an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I follow it and find it attached to Patrick who is sleeping next to me.

I smile.

After we talked yesterday, I wasn't sure how he would act but he must be a hell of an actor because it's like nothing has happened between us.

Slipping out from under his arm and stepping over Abi and Michelle, I make my way to my bathroom but stop.

Tears immediately spring into my eyes as I glance around my empty room, the reality of today slamming down on me.

In less than 6 hours I am going to be forced to start a new life in a new place with new people.

I turn around and see my friends in deep slumber. Michelle is burrowed into the blankets to hide from the sun.

I had met Michelle Sophomore year when she had moved to Dobbs for business reasons. She was really quiet and I noticed that she didn't make many friends, despite being really pretty and no doubt popular at her old school. It wasn't until she made it on the cheer team that I really met her and we immediately hit it off. With Abi being crazy and wild, I welcomed Michelle's quiet nature. The rest of the group welcomed her with open arms and soon, we were inseparable.

The ruffling of blankets brings me out of my thoughts as Abi shifts away from the sun.

Abigail, what a life saver.

It was cheer tryouts for sixth grade when we met. I was terrified. I knew that most of these kids had gone to elementary together but I had just moved from Manhattan to Dobbs and didn't know a soul.

I had done cheer for all my elementary years and easily caught onto the cheers, making the team.

After making the team, a perky, pretty blonde bounded in my direction.

She introduced herself, giving me a quick hug, followed by a congrats. I was in shocked to the point where she had to ask my name because I still hadn't responded.

After that, she didn't stop talking and before I knew it, I had a new best friend.

Our duo lasted a year until seventh grade where we met Justin when he joined the football team after transferring to Dobbs for their football program.

After he got one look at Abi, I became a very strong third wheel though they didn't start dating until freshman year, where we met Patrick.

Just like Justin, Patrick transferred to Dobbs for their football program and the two quickly became inseparable and was welcomed into our group.

Coming out of my thoughts, I look at my friends, thinking about all we've gone through. There wasn't one memory that didn't include at least one of them if not the whole group. We weren't just friends, we had become family, being there for each other when our parents couldn't because of their jobs.

I felt the tears streaming down my face no matter how hard a tried to keep them away. I turn away from my friends as a sob gets caught in my throat.

"Liberty?" A groggy voice from behind me calls out.

I don't answer. I cant answer as I'm fighting to stop the tears and holding back the sob. My shoulders shake despite my efforts and soon, a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me.

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