~ Chapter 10 ~

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I am currently sitting in Sociology, not listening to a word the teacher is saying. 

The drone of his monotone voice has put some kids to sleep and the only reason I haven't joined them is because my brain is running at full speed. 

A lot has happened in the three and a half hours at my new school. I have never felt more out of place in my entire life. 

Entering the school this morning, I didn't really have any expectations. My plan was to just get through the day and make it home alive. But I didn't calculate the stares, whispers and the fact that I dress differently into the equation. 

I look down at my outfit. 

I pull on the neck of my sweater so that it doesn't fall off my shoulder, in hopes that it would look more casual. 

My white jeans stand out against the sea of blue jeans and leggings. 

The bell rings, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Alright class." The teacher calls out above the noise of kids packing up. 

I don't hear what he says. All I can think about is how I am the only person with a purse as a backpack. Everyone is rocking a Jansport while I carry my stuff in a Louis Vuitton tote. 

After I put everything away, I walk out to the hallways full of students. The only thing I can hear is my heels clicking against the floor, despite all the noise surrounding me. 

I keep my head low as I make my way to my locker but I can still feel the eyes of everyone on me. I hear the whispering, the rumors, the stories and my mind goes wild with thoughts.

What are you even doing here? Why are you here? Look at you. You don't fit in. Y

I slam the door to my locker, hoping to shut the voices up but if anything, they only get louder. 

Tears burn at the back of my eyes as the words keep being slammed through my mind. 

Shoving the neck my sweater back onto my shoulder, I keep my head low and push my way to the bathroom. 

Entering the bathroom, I sigh realizing it is empty. 

I look in the mirror and see my eyes rimmed with red as a tear escapes, running down my cheek. 

"I don't know how I ever thought that this move wasn't so bad. I don't know how I ever started to like it here." I mumble, glaring at myself, forcing no more tears to fall. 

Suddenly, the door swings open and a turn away, swiping at the lone tear. 

"Liberty? Oh goodness! I've been looking everywhere for you!" 

Taking a deep breathe, I turn and see Frankie smiling at me. 

"Well I'm here." I try and give her a smile but I know I failed. 

She gives me a look, "Are you okay?" 

I try for the smile again, succeeding. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

"No you're not." She gives a small snort. "You've got mascara running down your cheek. You've been crying. What's wrong?" 

I'm a sucker for when people can see past my mask and push me about it. It makes me feel good even if I don't want to share about it, they make me want to tell them what's wrong. 

"I miss home." I croak out, tears clogging my throat. 

Frankie comes up to me and immediately wraps her arms around me. "I'm so sorry." 

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