~ Chapter 20 ~

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Upon entering the game room, the awkwardness of this situation fully settles.

I'm in my house, hanging out, by myself, with a guy, that I just met, that I may or may not be attrac-


I hear someone call my name and I look up to find those mesmerizing eyes looking down at me.

"Hu?" I ask.

A smirk stretches across his lips as the confusion is apparent on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I got lost in thought." I quickly mumble, walking over to the kitchenette.

Cash follows me, "This is awkward for you, isn't it? I can leave if you want..."

I spin around to face him, "No!" I bite my lip and take a step back, realizing how quickly I answered, "I mean, no you don't have to leave."

When he doesn't answer, I look up to find Cash smiling at me.

He nods, "I'll stay then."

I smile back at him before turning back to the refrigerator, "Do you want something to drink?"

"I'll have a coke."

Grabbing his coke, I turn and hand it to him.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask, "Play a video game? Watch a movie or maybe a tv show?"

I watch him think for a second before he smiles, "If I choose to watch a movie, will we watch it in that -"

"In the theatre room?" I cut him off.

He nods.

"Of course!" I reply. "Let's go."

Walking out of the game room and down the hall, we enter the theatre room. Quickly, I turn on the projector and lower the screen.

Turning to take my spot on my favorite chair, I stop short when I see Cash sitting in my bean bag couch.

"That's my spot!" I exclaim, quickly covering my mouth with my hand.

He looks up at me, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth, "Oops."

I pout and walk towards the other bean bags in the back of the room.

"You know, there is room for both of us on here." Cash says as I drag a bean bag over.

Stopping and standing straight, I look at him. Then at the couch and the left over space. He had a point and that is my favorite spot...

"Fine. But only because that's my favorite bean bag." I say, leaving the bean bag I had been dragging and grabbing a fluffy blanket.

Plopping onto the other end of the couch from Cash I begin flipping through the movies.

"I don't bite you know." Cash says, shifting slightly.

Grabbing my lip between my teeth, I force myself to ignore him and stop scrolling through the movies.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"I dont care. Put on whatever." He answers.

Turning towards him, I lift an eyebrow at him. "I'm honestly in the mood for a my favorite movie which is a totally chick flick so you might want to rethink that."

Cash sits up and leans towards me, resting his chin on his hands, "I'm intrigued. Liberty Brown is going to tell me what her favorite movie is?"

I roll my eyes, "I'm giving you a chance to pick a movie. Now pick something!"

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