~ Chapter 33 ~

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The sunlight streaming through my curtains shines right on my face, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut and hide under the blankets.

Last night had been interesting. The game was at home and the halftime routine was a hit, or thats what Sue and Frankie told me.

The girls have been getting better and better. Each week I give them a harder routine, not sure if they'd be able to do it but each week, the prove me wrong and kill it. They love stunt class and their stunts have been excellent. I am so proud of my team.

During the last quarter of the game, we were leading by 14 points, when a player from the other team starts a fight, causing one of our players to be suspended as well as himself.

After we won, Sue, Frankie, Rhett and I joined Sterling and the rest of the team at the pizza place. Why the pizza place and not a party? Well, winter is beginning to set with the temperature finally dropping to the low 60's, winter break is around the corner, hunting season is here and parents are sticking close to home meaning parties are slowing down.

Hanging out at the pizza place was great, even with Cash missing. Or, it was great until the other team we beat decided to show up. The air in the room became thick with tension and that was my cue to leave.

Coming home last night, I couldn't help but think as to why Cash didn't go to the game, he'd never missed one before.

I fell asleep with that thought running around my mind and now as I'm awake, it's still spinning the wheels in my mind.

Pushing the blanket off my head, I stare up at my ceiling. Something must have happened at the ranch. Hopefully one of the boys isn't sick or something. Hopefully Betty is okay.

I bolt up, something better not have happened to Cash.

I quickly grab my phone and shoot Cash a text, asking if he was okay.

Setting my phone aside, I take a deep breath.

Cash is okay, if he wasn't, I doubt everyone would have been at the game. I tell myself as I slide out of bed.

Opening my bedroom door, I make my way down the stairs, not bothering to change.

Stopping by the kitchen, I grab some fruit and head over to the theater.

It is just another lazy Saturday with nothing to do but watch Netflix and maybe go walk R2 before dinner.

Settling down into my bean bag, I find a movie and disappear from reality.


My stomach growls as the credits roll across the screen.

Glancing at the time, I realize it is almost dinner time.

Stretching, I get up and open the theater door, heading down the hall.

Voices drift towards me, causing me to stop short. I hear my parent's voices but there were two others I don't recognize.

I don't remember my parents mentioning that we were having company.

Tiptoeing to the living room, I stand right outside, keeping out of view. My dad talks about how he got into real estate and I zone out having heard this story too many times to count.

Laughter fills the space and I snap back to reality as one laugh floats above the rest.

It's a laugh that makes my pulse quicken and the butterflies flutter.

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