Craziness show: Episode 2

Start from the beginning

Mario ( fire Mario): I've got you now you little runt.

Kirby: poyo! (😦)

Mario(fire Mario):...*charges a fireball*.....Mhm!!....haa!!

Kirby: aah!!* jumps up high, floats over Mario and runs away*

Mario(fire Mario): Hey get back here you son of a bitch!

Mario ran after kirby and soon the chase became like what you normally see in Tom and Jerry. After some time the two got back into the kitchen with Mario closing the door.

Mario ( fire Mario): Alright no more runnin'...ha!* hurls a fireball*

Kirby: * inhales the fireball*..........*turns to fire kirby*

Mario (fire mario): uh oh...

Kirby (fire kirby): *breaths fire seriously stunning mario*

Mario:* reverts back*.....d'oh

Kirby (fire kirby):😈

Mario: *gulps*...😅 hehehe.

Kirby( fire kirby): *blows the fire burning Mario*

Mario: aw!!ooh!! hot!hot!!

Kirby :*chases him and blows fire burning his butt*

Mario: y'ouch!!! Ahahaha!!😲

Kirby now starts to chase Mario who runs full speed out of the kitchen, run through the hall, run upstairs, pass by the west wing of the castle, go downstairs with kirby still trying to roast Mario alive. Mario manages to grab a flower vase and throws it at Kirby damaging him and making him lose his fire ability.

Kirby inhales a nearby chair and spits it out shooting the chair now the form of a star to Mario who jumped to dodge. The plumber leaps to pound kirby with his mallet but  kirby dodges it and gives him a strong double kick sending Mario to the ground. The plumber gets up and uppercuts the pink puffball so high he crashes the ceiling and falls to the ground.

Mario: You're gonna pay for what you did!, you have the guts to eat my pasta.

Kirby: poyo

Mario: What do you mean you didn't know?, you knew very well yet you decided to devour it.

Kirby: poyo poyo poyo!

Mario:Don't blame me for what I did to you, you brought this upon yourself you little pink devil.

Kirby: poyo

Mario: Watch your mouth!

Kirby: poyo poyo!!

Mario: That's it!, your gonna get it son..

Mario runs and punches kirby then slams him with his mallet shooting him to the wall and bounces back to Mario again as Mario whacks him to hit a flower vase. Kirby gets up and performs a drill kick followed by a roundhouse kick, kirby inhales Mario's mallet turning him to hammer kirby.

Mario: Mamamia!.........aahh!!

Mario dodges a serious hammer smash by kirby and the attack broke a table into many pieces. Kirby then dashes and spin himself while moving breaking and slamming things in the hallway everywhere. Mario ran away in order not to be hit by the attack.

Mario, Sonic and Goku: Craziness BookWhere stories live. Discover now